March 26, 2005

That's right.

I can't really add anything to that layer of intrigue, so I'll just reiterate:

It will be devious. It will be glorious. It's going to be sofa king awesome.

Stay tuned.

Jems an I, have a project in the works!

Yeah, Jems and I, have a large project in the works, details are a little sketchy(i can't tell you) but it's gonna be something really special, really huge, and well, really easy to do, as me and jems discuss it more and more, it'll get better and better, it really is something for the ages.

So stay tuned, same Zibbudie Babbuhl time, same Zibbudie Babbuhl channel.

And never let me go until you've told me, told me
What I want to know and then just hold me, hold me
Make me tell you I'm in love with you

March 20, 2005

So it begins.


12:00 A.M., Sunday, March 20th, 2005, marks our return to the hallowed halls of Warthog-sponsored delivery.

Welcome to Skate Camp my son.

March 09, 2005

A Contender For Best "Gryeah" Face Ever.

Image hosted by

Ninja, Ninja, RAP! Ninja, Ninja, RAP!

March 05, 2005

Memorable quotes.

"Jems, am I offline or what? Check MSN."
"You're away."
"Oh, yeah. Nat is sending me an episode of The Muppet Show."
"'Things I never thought I'd get over MSN:
- an STD
-The Muppet Show'"
"*Kyle laugh*"

"Jems, how are we going to do this? 40 days without Halo 2 -- we're going to suck so bad when we come back. The Xbox controller feels so weird now."
"Kyle, have you seen Die Hard With a Vengeance?"
"Uh, yeah."

"Oh shit, what was the name of the guy in Total Recall? The main character. Randy? Ronald? Fuck."
"I don't know, man."
"Damn it."
[5 minutes later, Kyle is browsing]
"Haha, Jems, look!"
"QUAID! His name was Quaid! QUAAAAAAID!"
"*Kyle laugh*"
[15 minutes later]
"*Kyle laugh*"

"First you must contemplate the cock. Then you can accept it as part of your lifestyle and gorge yourself."
"Kyle, you've said that three times already."

[Reading the thread "Ask the autistic"]
"Have you ever eaten a rock?"

March 04, 2005

Paintball..why? cause we can.

Me and Jems thought, we'll wouldn't it be nice to get some paintball together. right now we have about 8-10 people confirmed, and many others we want to ask.

here are the names.


we're currently trying to get 20+ people so we can get free ammunition and discounts, so ask around and get people in, tell me or jems and we will update this.