December 30, 2007

VIDEO GAMES a year in review



With the newest year nearly upon us I figured what better time than now to reflect on a great year in gaming, which as you may know persists as a common thread between us Dudes of the Lane minus of course being raw fellows of taste and influence also capable of some pretty sweet jumps all things considered (Kyle can backflip without moving his arms, Andre levitates (basically the best one), and I can make the soles of my shoes connect like a leprechaun, but never on ice because that is extremely dangerous). But we don't play games to jump, no. (Except Crackdown, which we have recognized.) We play games to jump and shoot (doing both at once is particularly effective as a Soldier in Team Fortress 2 -- you may jot that down before proceeding to the next sentence; it is cool with us). Indeed, some of the best games we have played are those in which jumping and shooting are integrated flawlessly, or in clever ways. If you play video games you can attest that this is a pretty big deal. You basically play them to shoot things and sometimes jump. 99% of video games are about that.

Why don't they let the baby play? He has owned them before. He will own them again

Looking back we saw some pretty sweet pieces of software hit shelves and wrestled our share of blockbuster titles to the ground. Some we were going to play but didn't. We didn't really play any crappy games so sorry if you were looking forward to reading about those. The last bad game we played was Silent Hill 4 and that's when Kyle and I were sleep-deprived and jobless and so rented a terrible game against our better judgment. It was pretty bad, all with clunky controls and a meandering player path and repetitive combat so we did not finish it. The FMV at the beginning was kind of sweet but you can not play that so it was taken out of consideration pretty much automatically. Anyway with the Internet this does not happen much anymore, and besides playing really crappy games is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel, or shooting some kind of generic enemy with unresponsive controls using the same gun that shoots the same adjectives over and over. This year games mostly delivered but some delivered more than others. Those we must salute.


In Mass Effect you talk to aliens before you do them (not this one, weirdo!)

Mass Effect

I haven't played Mass Effect but going by Kyle's account and what I have read elsewhere this is one of the best things about the game, and about video games this year. I think it's kind of creepy but if the game does it well, it deserves to be recognized. Get it? Does it. In a few years we will probably have games that let you have sex with all kinds of aliens, but that sort of thing takes time. For blazing this particular trail my hat goes off to Mass Effect. I dare say there is no other game as open-minded.


With Halo 3 you never have to read anything twice

Halo 3

Halo 3, you did a lot of things wrong, like allowing twelve year olds to play online and scream about violence, but your fonts were not one of them. On any TV they look great and do not obscure the thing you want to do in the game. Nice going, Halo 3.


In Portal even the turrets say stuff about you


I mean, this is a pretty funny game. When people said Portal was a funny game, I scoffed and scoffed until I started coughing because video games are about shooting people and sports, and those are not funny things unless you make people go flying or spin your car into them or whatever, and besides that's a kind of funny that words can't describe. Playing it was a big surprise because it is pretty funny in a comedy writing way. By that I mean playing the game the evil computer system makes jokes about you (the character you play) dying, and they almost always connect. There are also jokes about cakes and a cube that helps you. Textbook example, people.


If jumping was a game they would call it Crackdown


Crackdown is pretty much the only game where you level up your ability to jump, which says a lot about its focus on jumping. If you so please you can spend your time with the game only jumping, collecting orbs in high-up places, which is kind of a strange way to fight crime (you are a cop in the future), but you can. You can hop from rooftop to rooftop of tall buildings, even if you're carrying a car. In every other game you go two feet off the ground but Crackdown all but lets you fly. Everything else Crackdown lets you do, like shooting and kicking a guy in the head, is done better elsewhere. Basically, except for jumping and letting you play the Halo 3 beta, Crackdown does not have a lot going for it, but anyone who really likes jumping won't care about that. The history of video games will probably not remember you Crackdown, but we will, because you really cared about jumping.


In Team Fortress 2 the Spy smokes while stabbing people. You couldn't do this in real life because the smell would give you away

Team Fortress 2

TF2 is game that you can only play with other people, over the Internet. There is no story. When you join a server to play you pick a team and a class, or for you old-school types, which guy you want to play as. You can be a lot of people, all of whom have some good lines that they say by themselves based on what is happening (like, "Ow!" or a loud, terrible laugh), and whichever one you play as you can give someone a hurting in defense or pursuit of the given objective (a briefcase or a light you stand on). The Spy is pretty much the best one, because you can disguise yourself as a guy on the other team and break stuff that the other team made. You have a butterfly knife and a pistol (not great, but fancy) and can turn invisible. No other game has all of the things that make being a spy great; only some. This is why it is the best one in this category. TF2 is the Sean Connery of games that let you be a spy.


Resident Evil 4 has an unlockable gun that shoots cranberries. Just kidding!

Resident Evil 4

I know this is like three years old but damn. It is so cool. You have probably played it. There is less freedom of movement than in a First Person Shooter but it is crisp and you can shoot guys who are running at you in the foot, which is pretty smart. In any other game you have to keep shooting at every part of them until they are dead. In Resident Evil 4 you can go right for the feet. This changes the game fundamentally, because instead of having to kill everything you are given the choice of basically tripping the bad guys in a very painful way. For taking the well-worn premise of Home Alone to a new level, Resident Evil 4 gets my commendation. No other game can say the same.

Thanks for reading (even only this line).

December 23, 2007

Holy shit it's been 3 years

My god people we've been blogging for 3 years as of December 21st.

3 years of babbuhls and 3 years of innocent boundless stupidity refined only as hand gestures could refine them.

I wish I had some sort of penultimate speech prepared for you guys but honestly I don't, i'm just as suprised as the 4 people who read this blog are about how we've survived this long but damnit Jim we're still here playing video games and saying stupid things sometimes.

Just the way I like it.

Zibbudie Babbuhl

-Kyle out
Don't try to tell me that my intentions are untrue <3

December 03, 2007

Mass Effect or Massive Dump

Nah, i'm just fucking with you guys, Mass Effect kicks your ass and mine no doubt about it.

I may be somewhat biased the game does have it's very extreme failings, an un-intuitive inventory system and nigh on masochistic save system, but golly gee willickers if that doesn't matter what so fucking ever.

Let me ask you a question, a serious question.


Have you ever had sex with a blue alien?


Because I sure have and it feels fantastic, all this and more in Mass Effect.

There's some sort of character generator and great combat system in there somewhere too but i'm sure it was just added on in the end of the build to appease those rpg fucks.

Kill alien fuckheads by the assload, destroy helpless colonies and commit mass(get it now?) genocide all by a decision of a thumbstick.

Buy Mass the best William Shatner Sim ever made.

77 golden manbabies out of a possible 4

-Kyle out
You're the stars in my heaven

P.S and yeah that wireless mic is really fucking shit.


In my haste I forgot that I wanted to talk about something serious...relatively speaking.

As you may or may not know we (Zibbudie Babbuhl and associates) played a vigorous 5 hour marathon of paintball on the 22nd of September, this may have been a while ago but I digress, it is worth talking about even now the dust has finally settled and the warriors have stepped down from their thunderous battles.

We had alot of fucking fun, we had two teams consisting of Zibbudie Babbuhl (James, Andre, Pat, Claudio, Eric, Pat's brother, Adriano, Junluika and myself) against Osborn & Lange.Inc(company I work for) it was a decisive victory for ZB no one would say differently.

It was a victory that we worked damn hard for, having never tested the majority of Zibbudie Babbuhl in anything more tactical than Halo3 put some doubt into my mind, but the calculated destruction of our enemies was nothing short of brutal.

There's alot I can say about what we did that day but I could never do it justice, you just had to be there, on that note, I would like to do it again when the weather gets better, paintball same place hopefully same people.

Someone else will lead ZB this time, should be an honor that is passed between us, also we need pictures this time.

December 02, 2007

halo 3

"what a piece of SHIT" -- kyle adam, zibbudie babbuhls

this is my review of halo 3 tHanks for reading

hALO 3 IS A FUN GAME the best par tyof halo 3 is when you play on internet and there are guys names funny things LIKE ""the tank ENGINE"" i mean what if his name is tomas (sp?), are we playing a the next generation video games or a TV show for BABYS !! next up an enginer in team fortress 2 called ''BOB"" ie BOB the builder who doesnt even BUILD he just pretends to FOR BABYS lets see u lay it down on 2fort mister your toolsboxes dont even turn to sentry guns they probaly turn to a LUNCHBOX and you sit down and eat tHere are NO WARS but honestly folks the game is LOADS (asin LOADing screen, ie the best part, am i right people hehe its not THAT bad lol SYKE) of fun, you can cause things such as make a map of only rockets and swords OR as kyle says BLEEPING the BLEEPING out of his BLEENIS since he hates those ALOT you can punch people in the head too when tHey are in a car that is not theirs SWEET

PRO TIP: (you should put these in youre review andre SHEESH what kinda gamer aRE YOU) :
- wHEn you run out of bouououllets you can hit the b button (its the red one heh thank me later !) for hitting a guy Or as we say around theses parts; "punch a sucker" "in the mouth",, like yOW one for the kisser (i sent that to a guy once onthe xbox live message service.... you know aht he said?? NOTHING. he probably thought i was talking about girls !??)

in concludement i give it a pictre of MACHO MAN randy savage out of a picture of MACHOMAN randy savage SOrry if it doesnt go i copied it tried to drag it from the other post (under andres) speaking if which YOU ARE FIRED UBISOFT pays for adspace buddy haha JUST kIDDING i cant fire anyone

December 01, 2007

Assassin's Creed and Metaphysics Thereof.

What the hell is this? I leave for like 5 minutes and you guys go all bananas over random wacky crap?

You know what this blog needs?


I'm absolutely, 100% chips-on-the-table back-to-the-wall Hiroshima-and-Nagasaki serious.

Or am I sarcastic?

Except that would make the above statement true, and thus not sarcasm.

See what I did there?

So, I picked up Assassin's Creed and it's...serviceable. I dunno, there's that je ne sais quoi missing that keeps it from being great, so it's just...mediocre.

Imagine, if you will, that there was a painting of Mona Lisa, except, instead of the smile, her expression is blank. It's kinda like that. No spark of greatness. No soul.

Lots of stabbing though. Glorious, brutal, fluidly animated stabbings. I mean, this is sorta what I expect stabbings to look like y'know?

Too bad the main character is an insufferable prick. I mean, normally that's a positive, because, hey, we're all dicks when we play games. But he's a poorly acted prick, and so full of XTREME RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE it's hard to feel smug about it.

The narrative is pretty...bland is the word I guess. It's like rice cakes.

A good rental I guess. 7.0/10.0 (this is not the official ZBL score, we haven't all played it yet.)