February 27, 2005

An explanation:

See, the picture below, that is no ordinary picture, that is...


Evan is what we call, our apprentice, he will play halo2 with us when the time is right, he will Zibbudie he will Babbuhl and by god he will Deliver

I call it...


--and the baby, the baby didn't even look scared. he was just standin' there.

February 19, 2005

The king of asshole physics has something to say, again.

Jems announced that we would do commentary for a DVD, and just now we have agreed to a movie and that movie shall be:

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

you may discuss amongst yourselves on the awesomeness of the situation.

February 12, 2005

Yet another stupid MSN log: Poker, Jokers and Val Kilmer.

<<<>>> says:
oh god

<<<>>> says:

<<<>>> says:
i want to play professional poker

<<<>>> says:
and here's why.

<<<>>> says:
I would dress like it was 1887

<<<>>> says:
you know

<<<>>> says:
to "psyche them out"

<<<>>> says:
and when someone loses

Jems says:
playing for blood

Jems says:
"i wasn't"

<<<>>> says:
"why abigail, it looks like poker just ain't your game, I know! how bout we have a spelling contest"

Jems says:

Jems says:

<<<>>> says:
yeah, someone named abigail was playing

<<<>>> says:
and when i lose

<<<>>> says:
i'll throw my chair around

<<<>>> says:
i'll be called the worst sport in poker

<<<>>> says:
and i can say

<<<>>> says:

<<<>>> says:
walking out, shirt all torn cause i tried todo the hulk hogan signature shirt tear before the poker game for bravado

Jems says:

Jems says:
and after you leave

Jems says:
they start murmuring

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
putting the chairs back in place

<<<>>> says:
"was that val kilmer?"

Jems says:

Jems says:

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
you grab a single card

Jems says:
it's the joker

<<<>>> says:
throw a joker on the floor

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
and you set it on fire

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
then you eat it

<<<>>> says:

<<<>>> says:

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
and everybody dies

<<<>>> says:

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:

Jems says:

Jems says:

<<<>>> says:
"guys, i was just kidding"
"we weren't"

Jems says:

<<<>>> says:

<<<>>> says:
i'll bring a six shooter

<<<>>> says:
and kill the guy who forced me out

<<<>>> says:
you ain't no daisy!

<<<>>> says:
god, jems

<<<>>> says:
this is my new mission in life

<<<>>> says:
become a goodpoker player

<<<>>> says:
you'll seeme on the news

<<<>>> says:
"doc holliday inspired shooting killing 6, val kilmer arrested"

Jems says:

Jems says:
val kilmer:

<<<>>> says:
"anything for more fame hey Val?"

Jems says:
"it's because i was fucking batman, wasn't it?"

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
"man kills 6 with a single playing card, later turns paper on himself"

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
"gambit sued"

<<<>>> says:
"while on fire, and miraculasly, he ate the card after, ridding it of evidence"

<<<>>> says:
lmao yes!

<<<>>> says:

<<<>>> says:
this should go on the blog

<<<>>> says:
stupid msn convos pt3

Jems says:
"card is found to be a joker: motorhead brought in for questioning"

<<<>>> says:
i am kyle laughing

<<<>>> says:

Jems says:
then we have reason enough to put this up

Jems says:

I'm on the road doin shows puttin my mack down
Mississippi to Philly, Albuquerque to Chatt Town

I got the crowd yellin (Bring 'em out, bring 'em out)
Aye, all my hotgirls yellin (Bring 'em out, bring 'em out)
Aye, all the Dope Boyz yellin (Bring 'em out, bring 'em out)
Aye, from the back they yellin (Bring 'em out, bring 'em out)

February 09, 2005

This ain't yo daddy's commentary!

One of DVD's defining features is the ability to store more than one audio track. Because of this, not only can one listen to the English, French and German versions of a favourite film, but a commentary by those responsible for the film. Most are horrible, bland wastes of DVD space that present little more than the crew patting themselves on the back between 15-minute bouts of silence. Some are fairly insightful, presenting the roundtable discussion of the film crew and key actors as they recall anecdotes from production and reasoning behind creative decisions. At times, comedy prevails--actors can and will make fun of each other or come to the recording session piss-drunk, in some cases resulting in an experience more enjoyable than the film itself.

Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane's latest venture is one that draws inspiration from this widely appreciated feature, with the hopes to ultimately make any film worth watching a second time. We, however, are spinning the idea of DVD commentary: it won't be on the DVD and, well, since we had no part in making the film, will not present any tidbits or stories from the set. Presented on this site as MP3's will be ongoing, nonsensical commentary by your two heroes, Kyle and Jems. For the duration of the entire movie, a microphone will record our tried and true antics and you, the viewer, at home, will soon after be able to watch the same film with our commentary running in the background. You may laugh. You may cry. We are not responsible for anything that may happen as you listen to us continually undermine the emotional impact of a certain scene with animal noises, or break into song when the film slows down. We've done it to Collateral. We've done it to Tombstone. We will do it to another film that can be agreed upon and record the magic as it happens.

Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane -- from our hearts to yours. Our greatest deliveries remain to be unveiled.

Then take the baton, girl, you better run with it

February 05, 2005


So, me and Jems, we were playing FSW(Full Spectrum Warrior) you know, to kinda take a break from Halo2, and while we were dispatching Zekes(the whole game is based in fictional Zekistan) Jems just blurts out in an old granny voice "I like my Cookies the old fashioned way" and well, all either of us here is a burst of laughter from either side of the mic, I think I heard my laughter from his mic, you know, my patented laugh can be heard from the high heavens.

It turns out this little saying comes from david cross, during one of his comedy skits, I never really thought David to be much of the funny guy outside of his supporting actors, but I was plesently suprised, he can do the funny mojo just like the "Big-Boys"

So we've taken the saying as our own, like we take anything funny, we assimilate it, and use it's powers for our own uses, the world is on our platter jems says, I offer a nod over xbl, and the deal was sealed.

a little sample of what we now worship:
I like my eggs the old fashioned way

I now bid you adieu

February 02, 2005

Some great news.

Today, I Kyle Banyon Adam, I have done something which iwll ring throughout the ages.

I bought an official achewood Chris Onstad signed strip.

I promised everyone, that an achewood comic would adorn my wall, and now it has come to pass.

Which comic you ask? Jems would probably say the ass in your pants, or the bela lugosi one, but no, I chose my all time favorite comic:


And her face is like a sail, speck of white so fair and pale, have you seen the lady fairer?