March 05, 2005

Memorable quotes.

"Jems, am I offline or what? Check MSN."
"You're away."
"Oh, yeah. Nat is sending me an episode of The Muppet Show."
"'Things I never thought I'd get over MSN:
- an STD
-The Muppet Show'"
"*Kyle laugh*"

"Jems, how are we going to do this? 40 days without Halo 2 -- we're going to suck so bad when we come back. The Xbox controller feels so weird now."
"Kyle, have you seen Die Hard With a Vengeance?"
"Uh, yeah."

"Oh shit, what was the name of the guy in Total Recall? The main character. Randy? Ronald? Fuck."
"I don't know, man."
"Damn it."
[5 minutes later, Kyle is browsing]
"Haha, Jems, look!"
"QUAID! His name was Quaid! QUAAAAAAID!"
"*Kyle laugh*"
[15 minutes later]
"*Kyle laugh*"

"First you must contemplate the cock. Then you can accept it as part of your lifestyle and gorge yourself."
"Kyle, you've said that three times already."

[Reading the thread "Ask the autistic"]
"Have you ever eaten a rock?"

1 comment:

Nat said...

lol....muppets are awsome