April 20, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl and roots.

I find that through my own actions Zibbudie Babbuhl has more or less lost touch with it's roots, this is a problem for a multitude of reasons.

Zibbudie Babbuhl is built off of past experiences
We at Zibbudie Babbuhl... every joke every dance and movie is simply a culmination of our past experiences, Jems had a comic, I watched Conan O'Brien religiously, Andre had Bruce Campbell as his lover to be, we took inspiration from our various facilities and we played off our various strengths.

Even before Zibbudie Babbuhl as we know it now was created, we were a larger group and we grew up into what we have now, I miss the presence of many of those people, for whatever reasons they/we have grown apart, they were truly kings and queens among men/women.

Zibbudie Babbuhl is simply a group of friends
In the end, after the dust has settled, the magazines emptied, Zibbudie Babbuhl is just a group of friends doing what they do for shits and giggles, we live life a day at a time, always trying to come up with a new idea to make people laugh, hell to make ourselves laugh.

As much as I want to make Zibbudie Babbuhl into something greater, little did I realize that Zibbudie Babbuhl was something great unto itself, what we perceive as life, and how we will live it is varied, but every members of Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's newly found "Honoraries" is a person of tremendous value, intelligence and of ethical fortitude, I could honestly never pick better friends, and that's all we are in the end, a group of people trying to have a good time.

We stopped playing video games together
When Zibbudie Babbuhl became what it is now, we lost touch wih one of the greatest tenants of our profession: playing video games, what are we without video games?! we're a bunch of god damn silly brutes, video games brings us our professionalism, there and only there we are Gods, I miss the days of picking up a sniper rifle after killing some stupid ass fool in Halo2 and headshotting a whole team and Jems runs into the base to get the flag.

We tried playing other things than Halo2 of course, like DoD:S, and it's holding up amicably, but something is missing, you know, when we all used to go to TCBY one night a week, and go to someone's house and just play soul caliber until 3am.

Now, maybe i'm just a sentimentalist
But these are things I miss, now more than ever, I realize we all have to grow up, even if that's apart from each other, but Zibbudie Babbuhl is probably one of the more defining things in my life, it gives me character and a real je ne sais quoi, with Zibbudie Babbuhl a bunch of misfits who play video games has become a terrific group of people who learns from each other as much as just playing and laughing.

The end of this rant
Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's members have grown alot, more members will come and go as they have been for the past 3 years, we're different people from before and it's showing, for better or worse though, we will remain here at Zibbudie Babbuhl, and we will maintain this bastion.

We will not fall.

-Kyle out
Have you seen her all in gold? like a queen in days of old <3

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