The Xbox:

-Zibbudie Babbuhl's first foray into unified gaming, we tore it up for a solid 2 years with Halo2 and Splinter Cell,we established my godhood at basically everything that requires a controller during this period(Jems was pretty good too ;/)
Some memorable quotes:
"Who's Nephilimk?! stop sniping us!"
"I like my cookies the old fashioned way"
"you're a pistol bitch Kyle"
Ahh memories, we had a sort of revelation at a point...instead of going fowards nto the industry we decided to go into another realm entirely.
The Nintendo DS:

The purchase of the system came to me in a dream, much like everytihng else I do, I shared this cryptic dream with Jems and we both decided it was a good idea, and well we were suprised on how much fun we could squeeze out of the damn thing.
Games we played:
Animal Crossing:DS
Advance Wars:DS
Mario Kart:DS
and now we play Super Mario Bros:DS.
As much of a hard time I have playing Mario now(Luigi for prez) kicking Jems' ass and taking his stars just proves to be too much of a distraction for me to pass up.
We've always had ol' Elenor and Bessie to back up up though!

(not actually either of our computers)
We played many games on the computer...actually I think it's just one...Jems can correct me on this one..but we only played DoD together..we won the war though, trounced those Nazi's, we learned that our world was not a monotheistic one, we had another lord...and his name was the M1 Carbine. I became a God with that weapon, and all learned to fear me.
One of Jems' old comics is based off one of our old matches on Avalanche, unfortunately the comics are basically sacrosanct and I no longer have it, although someday it would be nice to see the Comic where I end Jems' comic career as a character someday.
We became a feared sight in DoD, angels of death if you would.
M-M-M-M-Monster Kill!(I am aware that i'm not from New York city, that joke is old and overplayed shut up about it)
We still play DoD alot, nothing will ever replace that, there is no greater pleasure than extinguishing the Nazi forces of 1945.
We have a new friend!

The Nintendo Wii!(that's just the controller)
The Wii will bring a revolution in gaming, and Zibbudie Babbuhl will be at the forefront of this wonderous crusade creating the path for others to bask in it's holy radiance.
And now I can actually snipe people!
Uh also I guess we're also playing Warhammer 40k, Jems is reluctant to do so but throws his Orks in harm's way whenever we need him to be there.
May Zibbudie Babbuhl game until the end of existance when my head is placed into a jar and the universe is about to collapse.
-Kyle out
When there's something the neighbourhood..who're you gonna call?