October 26, 2006

A return to Babbuhls.

It took two Xbox 360s, two copies of Splinter Cell Double Agent, and a bevy of AI-controlled mercenaries. It took resolve. It took lots of neck-snapping and leaping around like Goddamned spider monkeys but "Babbuhl," into our problematic headsets we whispered, and babbuhl we did.

Four files, extracted to perfection in a match within the game's co-op mode. A slam dunk, if you will. Some Shaquille O'Neal type shit. Scotty Pippin' it up in this bitch. You get the idea.

We were just trying to fix their computers. Apparently these particular mercenaries were trained to fire even on tech support. That's why all of their stuff is in disarray. Serves them right. Shouldn't have to sneak and leap and throw smoke grenades just to get rid of some spy-ware.

A rousing game of cat and mouse and begging computers of their secrets. Xbox Live has returned to form before our ill-suited bizarro lens.

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