December 31, 2006

Christmas loot(gryeah)

It was Christmass a little while ago, I don't need to tell you this but I just did.

With Christmas comes loot. We all like loot, loot is cool it's awesome and best of all.

It's Free

Time to show off our loot.

What I got(i'm first to show since i'm special)

Star Trek: Legacy
The Marvel Encyclopedia
Carnivale: Season 1
Decanter of Swiss Army
And more not pictured
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So share your corporate conquests.

-Kyle out
When you find yourself lying helpless in her arms <3

December 18, 2006

I'm back with new pineapple-slicing-in-mid-air hotness!

As it turns out, I was just deserted by the roadside like a burgundy taffeta bridemaid's dress by Blogger's update. Reports of my leaving/demise/transcendence of physical form were greatly, albeit artistically, exaggerated.

To herald and celebrate my return to the world of posting, I bring you this:

The Miracle Blade III

"It's so sharp it slices a pineapple IN MID-AIR!"

You may have seen this on TV about a decade ago. That's fine. Now you can see it again. SLICING A PINEAPPLE IN MID-AIR! Though, I can't really figure out why...

However, if you ever need to slice a flying pineapple, Chef Tony knows where it's at!

-You got knocked the fuck out!, André out

December 11, 2006

New Hotness

Typing to you guys with some new shit, it's pretty spiffy however..bad news has stuck us at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane..

We got a man down.

Andre has left the building...

Oh God Andre....we never knew each other...forsooth..he was a good man..we're going to miss him.

and with that I bring to you...

Ode to picture form
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Powerful stroke of the fork
Food not wasted is not wanted
Africa will never Forget

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Lost to the void
Influence Unerring
Yet complained
For his gut was not full

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Suprise me not
For I am everywhere
Always vigilant
Yet never acting
T'was my curse

God bless you Andre, you made two posts and you'll probably be back in a week, but god-damnit, you're going to be a man down for that period of time

-Kyle out
And nothing else matters <3

December 01, 2006

Bad News

My dad had a minor heart attack from all the steroids, i'll elaborate, but I have to go to work.