December 11, 2006

New Hotness

Typing to you guys with some new shit, it's pretty spiffy however..bad news has stuck us at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane..

We got a man down.

Andre has left the building...

Oh God Andre....we never knew each other...forsooth..he was a good man..we're going to miss him.

and with that I bring to you...

Ode to picture form
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Powerful stroke of the fork
Food not wasted is not wanted
Africa will never Forget

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Lost to the void
Influence Unerring
Yet complained
For his gut was not full

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Suprise me not
For I am everywhere
Always vigilant
Yet never acting
T'was my curse

God bless you Andre, you made two posts and you'll probably be back in a week, but god-damnit, you're going to be a man down for that period of time

-Kyle out
And nothing else matters <3

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