February 05, 2005


So, me and Jems, we were playing FSW(Full Spectrum Warrior) you know, to kinda take a break from Halo2, and while we were dispatching Zekes(the whole game is based in fictional Zekistan) Jems just blurts out in an old granny voice "I like my Cookies the old fashioned way" and well, all either of us here is a burst of laughter from either side of the mic, I think I heard my laughter from his mic, you know, my patented laugh can be heard from the high heavens.

It turns out this little saying comes from david cross, during one of his comedy skits, I never really thought David to be much of the funny guy outside of his supporting actors, but I was plesently suprised, he can do the funny mojo just like the "Big-Boys"

So we've taken the saying as our own, like we take anything funny, we assimilate it, and use it's powers for our own uses, the world is on our platter jems says, I offer a nod over xbl, and the deal was sealed.

a little sample of what we now worship:
I like my eggs the old fashioned way

I now bid you adieu


Nat said...

It's about time the two of you took a step back from Halo 2. lol

*gasp* The idea that David Cross could be anything but funny is something that I havnt been aquainted with yet. I never thought about it before this but I think he should have his own show.

Don't lie and say that you can't see it...

Nat said...

...it would be really funny if i didnt know who david cross is...lol...like i think i know...:P but if im wrong...