April 04, 2006


No, no not the bible, no, this is different, i've had a fucking stupendous idea, and with that came alot of other ideas that i'm going to try to convey.

I'm terrible at this, so bear with me.

I read Pat's blog every so often, fucking realplayer, man that gets me, and I find that this kid is pouring his heart out all over the internet, over what I can only speculate, but that was some deep shit that will haunt my dreams forever, much like his "Shamble Dance"

But that's not the important part, no, his pouring of heart made me think.

"Wow, as shitty as I think life may be for me, for how many crappy things that have happened to me, i'm pretty fucking well off, as are most of the people on this earth"

(no offense Pat, i'm not saying that's real bad whatever you're going through i'm just using you as a springboard, see because you're a stiff... Ba-zing...sorry.)

It's true when I think about it, many of us are well off, I am, I know it, I may not be great human being, but i'm well off, I have the power to do something, as do alot of people, but why dont we? why don't we do what we can to make the world a better place? is it apathy, distaste for the human race? or is it because we're lazy slobs who couldn't give a shit about his/her fellow man?

Now, I won't pretend to be on some moral highground here, I am by far one of the most cynical and generally assholish person here, some people have witnessed this firsthand and some haven't, for those who haven't, good, you're on the right track.

But what im saying is common sense, giving old clothes to sun youth, giving blood at the blood drives, a dollar a day from 100 people could build wells in other countries and give these people medicine, hell if we're going to be greedy, screw other countries, what about Canada, what about Quebec, we have a massive population of homeless, we have 4 major hospitals full of children and adult alike who need blood to live, children every christmas who don't get a present or even a meal.

I decided i'm going to try to do something about this, but I think for this, i'm gonna need some bodies, or at least some people to reflect ideas off of, this can be a big thing or just donating 20 bucks to sun youth or whatnot every so often.

Contrary to popular belief, our readership is pretty varied, we have a chance to do alot with what we have, I in particular have always been an advocate of donating blood, what if we got a large group together to go and donate blood one day(technically they pay you with cookies and orange juice) then we could do a park outing or something, set up a barbeque have a nice time, saving lives never felt so good has it?

I'm going to try and call a representative of sun youth and the blood banks of montreal and get some information from them, see if I can arrange some things with them.

This is helping your fellow man, and I dunno about you, but I have some major sins to pay off, and it's mighty good time that I get to it.

I'd like to see some participation, this is what I think is a good cause with a chance of success, we'd be helping the world and having a good time while doing it.

Please leave a comment or contact me if you're interested.
(Eric, it's time you paid it forward ;p)

-Kyle Out
I remember when I lost my mind <3

P.S: Yes I really am a huge asshole, that wasn't a joke, many people can attest to this, but I like to think i'm the good kind of asshole


I have spoken to a few people about ideas and possible organizations in which to work with, a few good plans have arisen, Eric suggested an organization which helps the homeless of the greater montreal area, the name escapes my tongue as of present, however, it seems very much a pratical idea as far as everything else goes, and a worthy cause, I will work on contacting them post-haste and proposing this initiative.

I will contact this organization when I speak to Eric once more, I need to get the URL again, seeing as i'm such a forgetful person in my old age.

I doubt we could just throw volunteers at them, many people have things to do and cannot devote themselves to an auxiliarry job, especially one not being paid for, which is understandable, but perhaps we can donate materials, food and clothing and such, and out efforts may not be sent to just one charity or place, donating toys and or money to a hospital for instance.

However, this ia a group effort, i've spread the word to as many people as I could, and I would like all honorary ZB members to offer some degree of participation.

In case we all forgot, all honorary members of the ZBL are as follows.

Andrew(We haven't spoken in a while)
Evan(Who is exempt for obvious reasons)

Word is being spread already, Marionopolis has heard the word. I have my compadre's from the school asking what all the commotion is about and such.

Addendum pt.2

After I spoke to Eric for a very brief time I once again retreived the URL for the organizationin which I think we could best offer our assistance, you see these people very often on the streets of downtown with their large trailers, giving food and other items to the homeless of the greater Montreal area.

The URL is Dans La Rue I will contact a representative when I have a little more time and once I think we understand how we're going to work this plan, we still have some work to do.

People everywhere are hearing about this now, this can be something big and something really worth being proud of, we can change so much with so little.

And that's what Zibbudie Babbuhl is about, community, friendship and brotherhood, comedy aside we're a group of friends, and little else, and that my friends is quite a bit of strength.

Zibbudie Babbuhl.

Addendum Pt.3

We have a good bit of support for this little movement we have now.

However, there is a problem, Dans La Rue is allegedly not within our interests to help, given if what Andy says is true, I find their practices to be mediocre at best, and we can find an organization that we can work with, that we better agree with.

However, I am no charity specialist, I don't know all these charities out here with the exception of the red cross(and that's only because I used to wear one on my uniform)So, I extend to you, members of the Honorary ZB, what should we donate our time to? any suggestions are welcomed, and I will take a look at it, YMCA would be a good one, last one I went into was dilapidate to shit, and they give out things like clothing and use food all the time, so there's an idea.

Also, anyone who would like a shirt, please tell me, and i'll set something up, you might have to pay for them(at cost, so you know, it's just you getting a shirt, but come on who doesn't want one?) but i'll try to see if I can front anything.

If we take initiative we can come up with a very good idea and plan and then execute it, just needs a bit of work.

I must make something very clear

We are not a registered non-profit organization, I would have to collect Tax on anything anyone donates and I would have to issue receipts, I will not do this, and if anyone asks you, we are not a charity organization, we are simply a Charity Drive, we are making aware to many people about a certain plight for one organization.

I cannot make anything official by government standard, it requires me to register us as a non-profit organization which requires me to do many things in which I do not want to do or am incapable of doing.

Keep this in mind.

List of people

Members - Contact these people should you need information or have a suggestion
Kyle Adam(19)(Kyle_Adam0@hotmail.com)
James Jacobo(17)(Jimmyjems@gmail.com)
Andre Wallis(18)

Volunteers -
Andrew Canello(20?)
Patrick Balazinski(18) My apologies.
Sebastian Cote(17)
Anthony Zacharawycz(Zack)(19)

A charity has been suggested by Andre's mother Leah, it's called Chez Doris, it's a women's shelter, it takes women and their children in when they have no where else to go.

I cannot even begin to think of a cause that deserves our help more than this, grand potential is wasted on terrible circumstance, if we can alleviate the suffering of one person on this earth, I will be proud of the work we accomplished, and hopefully so will the people of Zibbudie Babbuhl.

Also, for those who can, i'd like to set up a blood drive, I can probably find out the next date for Hema-Quebec for when they set up their kiosk in Carrefour Angrignon, we can go early some day, have a nice breakfast, make it a nice community event and then donate blood, this is for members who are 18 and over of ocurse but others may attend at their discretion.

I'm also thinking of starting a seperate blog so the work of Zibbudie Babbuhl Productions will not be impeded by this quest, I will ponder on this in the next few days, after a good shave.

There will be a planning commitee set up for the various problems we may come across, the body will be the planners and the go to people, I will be a charter member however, and it will be chosen off of interest and capability towards our movement, again I will tihnk of a method once I have a few days to sort everything out.

I'll talk to others about this asap, leave comments as necessary.

I have created a seperate blog the URL is Zibbudie Babbuhl: Charity I strongly advise you add this to your favorites, and visit regularly, I will be updating frequently.

Jems and Patrick, please check your e-mails asap.

Zibbudie Babbuhl will now continue it's regular functions in about 48 hours.

I'd like to wish everyone a happy easter for those who celebrate it, for the rest, uh, love peace and good will?


James said...

In like Flynn, but you do realize only you and Andre are 18 at this point.

Eric said...

Jems has a point. I intended to donate blood earlier this year, but found out about the age limit. I have another year and some months to 18.

Claudio M said...

I'm in :)

Kyle said...

I don't think the idea is doing better, or whatnot, they're all charities, this one is in our area, and always needs help.

Kyle said...

well, if you can find something more suitable, please recommend one.

Eric said...

Wow, I think I should've read a bit more into that before throwing it out there.

Pat said...

I'm in for donations, got old toys, a closet to rummage through, and I'd be glad to help anywhere I can in organization and such. Keep me posted.

Kyle said...

Firstly Mr.Cote, there was no second.

Secondly, I'm making this comment for Zack, he is in our little escapade of ours(Kyle..can you write with a fountain pen?)

I suggest instead of Dans La Rue, we donate to a multilateral charity, such as the red cross, they take anything and everything you give, and we know they do good work.

Pat said...

"Balazinski" 18, just to clear the air.

Kyle said...

Those are good ideas, however, I need something on paper before I can commit to anything, draft up something Andrew and i'll take a look at it.

James said...

This is getting kind of ridiculous. We all want to do something but don't know what and keep passing the buck.

Let's talk when we all have nothing to do this summer and have the gusto to follow through with epiphanies.

Anonymous said...

They have these things, right; These yellow boxes with pointy blue roofs (or is it rooves?) placed at certain strategic points all over the city. And you open up these slots and dump in all the clothes you're donating.

My idea is this: Why don't we get some stuff we've outgrown, embarassing novelty shirts we've gotten from relatives that we're too embarrassed to wear, stuff that's just takin' up space in our closets and dump them in en masse?

The problem is, I'm not sure where this stuff is headed. I'll be sure to make enquiries though. Anyhow, that's my idea, and even though I may not qualify as an honorary ZB'er, I am most definitely in no matter what is going down.

I realize that I am probably late with the idea and such, but I'm just tossin' it out there.

Kyle said...

A charity has been chosen, it's called Chez Doris, I will be finding out as much as I can within the next few days, if you need anything, please leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail, thank you.