July 08, 2006

Hey my droogs.

I'm going to be direct and quick here, i'm not a man to fall under pressure and give up or cry but now my world is somewhat upside down.

My dad, Steven Robert Adam has Cancer of the stomach/intestines, he has been in a large amount of pain for 4 months now and the doctrs have not been able to discern what it was.

He went in for a colonoscopy on friday and it was found that he had a growth so large in his body that a biopsy would prove to be ineffective. He is going to surgery in 2 hours from now.

My dad has nevr given up and never surrendered in his life, he's always been invulnerable, much like superman, and I have no doubt that he won't come out of this just fine.

But prayer is a powerful tool, and God...well he's a powerful dude, so please, just give my dad a prayer for a successful operation and a good recovery, he deserves that much at least.

Thanks Guys
-Kyle Banyon Adam

1 comment:

Eric said...

Kyle, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I don't know what the situation is now, but I'm hoping for the best for him and everyone in the family. I hope his operation and recovery work out well, and everything comes out fine.