July 02, 2006

Oh Leo, you Card.

Oh hey true believers, been a while, Zibbudie Babbuhl has been pretty busy, all juke jivin' and shit, we're members of capitalism now, we work full time jobs, we be rollin' in the bling so to speak.

Jems takes care of children, he slowly molds them into the image of Zibbudie Babbuhl, the perfect cover for our fledgling way of life, truly a philosopher king.

I'm a junior underwriter fomr Osborn and Lange, a marine insurance firm, I do endorsements and stuff, I also manage young adults on the cleaning crew and clerical duties.

Like any office there are different kinds of characters.

For instance, there's Melissa an olympic speed skater who was injured and couldn't make it to the last olympics.

There's Thalia who loves Daft Punk almost as much as I do, she took Japanese Literature in Cegep to the dismay of those around her.

There's one special person though, his name is Leo, now words cannot do this man justice, but i'll try.

I once said that if Homosexuality could take a physical manifestation that it would assume the avatar of a person myself and Jems know as "Whitepepper"

Well, if Hippyism and were to take it's own form, Leo would be it without ay doubt in my mind, I would stake my very life on this claim, Leo is stuck in the 60's and 70's in every way possible.

I will try to restate a conversation I had with Leo on thursday during work.

"Hey Leo, long day eh?"
"Oh yeah Kyle, you know, there's just this one file that gets you for hours and hours..."
"Yeah been here for 2 days and i'm already getting that"
"But..but Kyle"

This is where Leo gets very jittery.

"I look out my window and I see this cloud you know"

Leo puts his hands on my shoulders to emphasize a point.

"Then I look back at my file you know, and I realize....when i'm six feet under, that file....that file... it won't be there anymore you know..but...but that cloud will!"
"Well Leo...that's a pretty good way of thinking you know..that's really deep"
"Oh yeah..it really puts me in a different perspective Kyle."

Leo then sits back down on his chair and eats his spaghetti, whch he calls me in from the kitchen to talk about later.

Leo is truly a character, he is Zibbudie Babbuhl before any of us were even born, truly a philosopher king.

May we someday become like him.

-Kyle Out
Work it work it work it.....never over <3

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