December 30, 2004

Corporate sponsorship gone awry.

I played Half-Life2, yes i'll admit it, everything Jemsy says I did within the game is the complete truth, I was a total ass-hole in the game.

I was loving every second of it.

It was physical comedy on a scale reserved only for Conan O'Brien, combined by my witty dialogue and clever use of sponsorship, the situation was only reinforced in it's comedic value.

Albeit, you would imagine the same motion repeated in succession for 20 minutes would depreciate in value, you are far from correct, my barrel antics with the already thoroughly killed Combine infantry, are those of legend, the stuff that they tell stories of, like a 14 year old teenager, telling his friends he saw a real boobie, it will go down in history.

Now, I would also like to mention, that I did in fact pet Chunky Monkey, I always do, and he loved it, I have a certain repoire with cats and their feline cousins, where I can share my lifes experience with these animals, and they know, they know I will treat them properly.

Also, I did not urinate in Jems' cabinets in any way, the fact that it was the first time I have used Jems' lavatorical installation is the only item of actual amazement.

More recently Jems and myself have been playing Splinter Cell 2 together, it is quite positivly the most enthralling game experience ever, Halo2 does not even come close to the fun factor in which Splinter Cell exudes from it's gaming mantra, the game is just such an original form of entertainment, it makes me giddy, like a little schoolgirl.

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