December 30, 2004

A sample of what is to come.

In the spirit of giving, and of whimsical song and dance, which is typical of Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, I am disclosing, our next project, which is another Rap, done by the both of us.


Well look who it is,
all sitting down on the couch!

It's old uncle Ray,
I can tell by the pouch!

He's got remotes,
he's got one of each kind!

Too bad they don't make one
that turns on his mind!


Who pulled the string
on this cliched hip-hop minion?

Who's this underage knockoff
with his store bought opinion?


Am I bein' dissed by the
brontosorous of rhyme?

There's cave art of you
freakin' to morris day and the time!


Watch it little man
because you're on thin ice!

Ain't you the one
who just got sent home with lice?


Listen old man
don't make me come down on you harder!

Rhyming against me
don't make you no suicide martyr.

How did it feel when you
picked out two caskets--

One for each nut that they
plucked from your basket?!


Yes, it is stupid, yes, as Kayla has said before again and again, it is sad, but it's what we do here at Zibbudie Babbuhl, and i'll be damned if I ruin this tradition.

It's not the whole thing, so you know, wait in excitement as we create such a wonderful medley of sound, in rap form.

Have you seen her dressed in blue? seen the sky in front of you?

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