September 12, 2005

Zibbudie Babbuhl Presents: T-shirts

Yes, we at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane have made another venture into a new industry, this one being quite mainstream. T Shirt designs, we have pooled our resources together(my sometimes creative wit and Jems' photoshop skills) to create designs ripe for shirt making.

While we can make a lucrative profit, we're pretty much doing this for shits and giggles, and for a very important reasons, what we plan to do is to make a set of designs which describe all the current Zibbudie Babbuhl Members (Jems: Babbuhlers!), if you are wonder who these members are, I will create a list right now.

Andy(you'll have to talk to us about a shirt)

Each member will have a personal logo created by either myself or Jemsy, if it is not up to snuff you may suggest other designs, although I think we do a pretty good job with these, so redoing anything shouldn't be a major concern.

I'm sure everyone is clamoring for request for samples of our work, and well, I cannot say no to anyone who may inflate my ego, so here we go.

This is my current design, the Bolt of Zobble

Here's the front, notice the subtle awesomeness of Jems' work, the faux latin adding a nice touch of classyness, the latin roughly translated says: "He Who Dares Babbuhls"

And the back, this is where the personal logo's will go, since we at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane are very different people we require different slogan's, and since we are not a dictatorship we allow these differences in uniform, be they a representation of self or just something you are related to, anything goes in the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane.

Be sure to be on the lookout for people wearing these shirts, if you spot a member of the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, congregate to them, and listen to their wisdom, for they have lived countless millenia, and have much to share in the ways of comedy.

-Kyle Out.

Intoxicating Images are rushing through my mind

Addendum by Jemsy.

I'd like to take a moment to show off a few more of our Zibbudie Babbuhl T-shirt designs. None are finalized, though I'm inclined to stick with mine:

Here's what may end up being Zack's:

And finally, a tentative design for Andre. Other possible texts include, "YOU'LL BELIEVE A MAN CAN FLY!", "B-B-B-BABBUHL IT UP" or whatever else occurs to Andre as a funny idea. We'll let him decide.


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