September 21, 2005

Zibbudie Babbuhl*4

The Zibbudie Babbuhl crew(Andre, Jems and yours truly) went out most of the day yesterday.

Us three, we're social shut-ins, it's why were such good friends, we all know ths and play off our strengths, going out in the public, the light of day in a group is a foreign concept, we braved the terrible scorching heat to go to Dawson, now a little backstory.

I have what is most commonly reffered to as Polyphobia(Fear of too many things at once) now this isn't a terrible bad thing, but the sheer amount of people in the school, it becomes over-whelming to me, I came very close to having a panic attack.

So we go up to the second floor(?) to get a camera, while i'm making grooves in the floor from my foot stamping up and down and generally just looking down, we get the hell out on my advice.

Andre had to film a short movie, which will be posted here in a short time, we finished that, and retired to Andre's home to eat and basically do whatever we pleased.

This is when I post pictures, and you will not be dissapointed.

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Andre snaps his fingers nonchalantly to begin what will become an exciting journey

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Making preparations for further movie recording. Movies, Serious Business

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Curry, it's what's for dinner

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Andre always adds spice to things, it's damn stupid, curry is already spicy, he's putting jalepeno sauce in it, now, I love spice, but I also like to taste my food.

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Andre takes the first bite, seemingly unphased by the beef curry, with this in mind, we dig in

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Jemsy takes it slow, he is cautious, unerring centre of wisdom in this group of ours

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It's a little too hot for jemsy...

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...So he goes for the Raita

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I take this challenge like I do with every challenge, with a thumbs up and my Captain Marvel Shirt

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The pilgrimage from the plate to my mouth is long and arduous, but my beef curry has maintained their faith and came out strong..ONLY TO BE EATEN HULGUHULGU

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I Think he likes it

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Andre is content with this meal, he is also making me an offer I cannot refuse

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Jemsy recovering from the spice bombardment

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I ate a little too much, it's different being 137lbs you eat a lot less

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Whilst Andre is gone from the room, myself and Jemsy decide to do stupid stuff

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And again...

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..And again...

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If any dermatologists are reading this post right now, can you tell me what's up with my ear? you know, right under the lobe? thanks

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Some craziness on my part, my eyes do that twirly thing on command, it's fucking radical

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Andre finally walks in the room, in disgust, and well, general apathy

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