Aye, it'll be a new year soon, as everyone is obligated to write somehing about this on their blog, we are no exception here at Zibbudie Babbuhl.
I'm going to make this short and ever so sweet, I can't stand new years.
I did not like this year, 2005, it was garbage in my opinion, I watched more than one person ruin their lives, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Here's to 2006, let's see how humanity fares this time.
On another note:
Zibbudie Babbuhl now has it's own Warhammer 40k "League"
Players include Myself, Andre, Seb and Kendall(and hopefully Jemsy)
The game, is well, another venture, like Heroclix, like well, anything I decide to play and bring everyone on the bandwagon, but this game is expensive as christ, and well, fun as all hell too, we will document the campaigns of Zibbudie Babbuhl as they happen, my Force of the Canadian 5th will see Humanity to victory, that I can assure you.
Also, the contest deadline is rapidly approaching, only another week until it's all over, make sure to finish up soon, remember, a free game of your system choice, free, nadda zip, on us, it's a good prize, I mean, we could just fling crap at you like our monkey ancestors, but what's the fun in that.
-Kyle Out
Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na Singin'
December 31, 2005
December 28, 2005
Christmas Loot
Yes Yes, a christmas loot post, you know it was coming, so sit down, shut up and enjoy it, i'm just kidding, you can leave whenever you want.
i'll start with myself first.
I received the Band of Brothers special DVD set, 6 DVD's of pure awesomeness, I got 50$, which went towards my Imperial Guard Army, and best of all, which I just found out today.
I am now the proud owner of a 1941 M1 Garand and 1938 Colt .45 pistol(and various other weapons) which my grandfather "liberated" from a fallen soldiers in WW2, the things are in damn near perfect condition, just need to find some 30.06 ammo and I can go to a firing range and test the thing out once, then it goes back into the archives, I can't believe I held such a huge piece of history to my family, none of the weapons in the archives were ever taken out, now they're all mine.
Andre to my knowledge got the Ork Codex and 40$ and various things from my family and such, and well, damn near half the food we made for dinner on the 25th so i'd consider that a good haul.
Jemsy got some small stuff as well, 50$ and I think Claudio got him the west side story DVD, which is pretty fucking funny, zing
(Jemsy says: Zing. Zing, indeed.)
People will probably go into more detail by editing the post as they see it, so stay tuned.
Same Zibbudie Babbuhl channel, same Zibbudie Babbuhl time.
i'll start with myself first.
I received the Band of Brothers special DVD set, 6 DVD's of pure awesomeness, I got 50$, which went towards my Imperial Guard Army, and best of all, which I just found out today.
I am now the proud owner of a 1941 M1 Garand and 1938 Colt .45 pistol(and various other weapons) which my grandfather "liberated" from a fallen soldiers in WW2, the things are in damn near perfect condition, just need to find some 30.06 ammo and I can go to a firing range and test the thing out once, then it goes back into the archives, I can't believe I held such a huge piece of history to my family, none of the weapons in the archives were ever taken out, now they're all mine.
Andre to my knowledge got the Ork Codex and 40$ and various things from my family and such, and well, damn near half the food we made for dinner on the 25th so i'd consider that a good haul.
Jemsy got some small stuff as well, 50$ and I think Claudio got him the west side story DVD, which is pretty fucking funny, zing
(Jemsy says: Zing. Zing, indeed.)
People will probably go into more detail by editing the post as they see it, so stay tuned.
Same Zibbudie Babbuhl channel, same Zibbudie Babbuhl time.
December 24, 2005
A Zibbudie Babbuhl Pre-Christmas
Aye it's that time of year again, in just a while it's christmas, there's alot of hoopla going around and the locals are preparing for the yearly venture to church, myself and Andsre, our families go every year, Andre to St.Ignatius of Loyola and my family to St.Monica's(Damn Catholics) we do this every year, I am unsure of Jemsy's customs so he will not be included in this retinue at the moment, he has gone MIA for the past 3 days however, so we may not see a light shedded onto his customs for quite some time.
Suffice it to say, with zest and zeal we will keep the traditions of Zibbudie Babbuhl going even among this holiday, ironically we don't really have any Zibbudie Babbuhl traditions as of yet, so i'll make some up now.
1. At the stroke of midnight those practitioners of the Zibbudie Babbuhl ideaology may perform the Zibbudie Babbuhl dance and song routine, for one verse.
2. Those members of Zibbudie Babbuhl must shelter any homeless chinchillas they come across(pretty chinchilla or otherwise)
3. An offering shall be made to spongebob and his pineapple under the sea, the offering is usually a pizza, delivered at opportune moments.
4. Zibbudie Babbuhl will be said at least once during the day.
5. You must have fun.
Have a Safe and Happy Christmas from Zibbudie Babbuhl to you.
-Kyle Out
The party's on
The feelin's here
That only comes
This time of year <3
Suffice it to say, with zest and zeal we will keep the traditions of Zibbudie Babbuhl going even among this holiday, ironically we don't really have any Zibbudie Babbuhl traditions as of yet, so i'll make some up now.
1. At the stroke of midnight those practitioners of the Zibbudie Babbuhl ideaology may perform the Zibbudie Babbuhl dance and song routine, for one verse.
2. Those members of Zibbudie Babbuhl must shelter any homeless chinchillas they come across(pretty chinchilla or otherwise)
3. An offering shall be made to spongebob and his pineapple under the sea, the offering is usually a pizza, delivered at opportune moments.
4. Zibbudie Babbuhl will be said at least once during the day.
5. You must have fun.
Have a Safe and Happy Christmas from Zibbudie Babbuhl to you.
-Kyle Out
The party's on
The feelin's here
That only comes
This time of year <3
December 22, 2005
Hell yes Wikipedia, you are invited to my pizza party

-Kyle Out
Her name reminds me of the stars..
I saw diamonds divide..corners of her eye <3
December 21, 2005
It's been a year.
Yeah guys, the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane has been up for a year now, how time flys,we were such a modgepodge of general craziness back then, not to say we aren't still such a modgepodge now, but we are now frighteningly organized and strong when we set our minds to things, i'd like to think that Zibbudie Babbuhl has become a sort of group where you can find intellectuals, humor and a sense of friendship and dedication, we're not paladins of justice or whatnot, but I think we have our heads on our shoulders.
Alot of things happened during the year, and even more has happened within 3 months, some good, mostly bad, but we salvaged from that what we could, and we're still going strong, still thinking of new hijinx and spreading the word of Zibbudie Babbuhl to those who might hear it.
Here's to a new year of Zibbudie Babbuhl
Let's take a look at the members of Zibbudie Babbuhl before the new year starts.



Andre/.../Well, we just call him Andre

Have a good holiday from Zibbudie Babbuhl, enjoy yourselves.
-Kyle Out
Cause the last relationship fucked me up
Got hurt majorly, find it tough to trust <3
Alot of things happened during the year, and even more has happened within 3 months, some good, mostly bad, but we salvaged from that what we could, and we're still going strong, still thinking of new hijinx and spreading the word of Zibbudie Babbuhl to those who might hear it.
Here's to a new year of Zibbudie Babbuhl
Let's take a look at the members of Zibbudie Babbuhl before the new year starts.



Andre/.../Well, we just call him Andre

Have a good holiday from Zibbudie Babbuhl, enjoy yourselves.
-Kyle Out
Cause the last relationship fucked me up
Got hurt majorly, find it tough to trust <3
December 18, 2005
An update
Why hello, wayward travellers.
Zibbudie Babbuhl is sort of going through a roadbump with it's members, Jemsy has had a man poke and prod at his mouth, he is currently tending to wounds, his voice, a grim reminder of the proper ways of dental hygiene.
Andre is sick with the cold/flu, whichever it is, I saw him naught 6 hours past, he looks like hell, sounds like hell, and well, yeah he's not doing too good.
Myself, i'm actually getting out of my bronchitis(I had bronchitis for about 3 months) it feels good to be able to breathe again, I feel quite rejuvenated, i'm still coughing a bit, but hopefully it'll subside sooner or later, doing volunteer work for schools and the military humantarian aid(christmas gifts for the poor)
An update to the contest:
The contest will go as such.
The Lyrics will be sent in to the specified e-mail before 11:59pm January 8th, 2006.
I will personally check the accuracy of the answers and such asap, and confirm any winners.
If there is more than one(1) winner there will be a small questionaire about the history of Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's various members, so read up while you still can.(whomever answers the most questions correctly wins)
For the winner they have a choice(s)
We(Zibbudie Babbuhl) meet you at Carrefour Angrignon, we will purchase whatever game for whatever system you choose, you'll be there with us, right on the front lines, we will then as a group, go and eat(place to be determined by various factors) we will take photos and make it into a big post commemorating the first ZBL contest(there will be more)
They're may be 2 ZB members or the whole lane(9 people Evan sadly cannot attend) whomever can attend this event will make a concerned effort to show up.
We simply buy the game and mail it to you with a small letter of thanks or whatnot, maybe a picture of the Lane members signed for idiotic posterity.(This option may be chosen for those who live near us, since you might not want anything to do with a roving band of idiots, for those who are entering from places other than montreal this is the only option we can offer you, we cannot fly u dere due to logistical reasons)
That's about it, Good Luck and take a snoop around for games that might suit your fancy that are coming out within a month.
I personally like the whole going to Carrefour Angrignon, I could use a spicy chickn sandwich.
-Kyle Out
Zibbudie Babbuhl is sort of going through a roadbump with it's members, Jemsy has had a man poke and prod at his mouth, he is currently tending to wounds, his voice, a grim reminder of the proper ways of dental hygiene.
Andre is sick with the cold/flu, whichever it is, I saw him naught 6 hours past, he looks like hell, sounds like hell, and well, yeah he's not doing too good.
Myself, i'm actually getting out of my bronchitis(I had bronchitis for about 3 months) it feels good to be able to breathe again, I feel quite rejuvenated, i'm still coughing a bit, but hopefully it'll subside sooner or later, doing volunteer work for schools and the military humantarian aid(christmas gifts for the poor)
An update to the contest:
The contest will go as such.
The Lyrics will be sent in to the specified e-mail before 11:59pm January 8th, 2006.
I will personally check the accuracy of the answers and such asap, and confirm any winners.
If there is more than one(1) winner there will be a small questionaire about the history of Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's various members, so read up while you still can.(whomever answers the most questions correctly wins)
For the winner they have a choice(s)
We(Zibbudie Babbuhl) meet you at Carrefour Angrignon, we will purchase whatever game for whatever system you choose, you'll be there with us, right on the front lines, we will then as a group, go and eat(place to be determined by various factors) we will take photos and make it into a big post commemorating the first ZBL contest(there will be more)
They're may be 2 ZB members or the whole lane(9 people Evan sadly cannot attend) whomever can attend this event will make a concerned effort to show up.
We simply buy the game and mail it to you with a small letter of thanks or whatnot, maybe a picture of the Lane members signed for idiotic posterity.(This option may be chosen for those who live near us, since you might not want anything to do with a roving band of idiots, for those who are entering from places other than montreal this is the only option we can offer you, we cannot fly u dere due to logistical reasons)
That's about it, Good Luck and take a snoop around for games that might suit your fancy that are coming out within a month.
I personally like the whole going to Carrefour Angrignon, I could use a spicy chickn sandwich.
-Kyle Out
December 09, 2005
A Special Contest! Highlight Kyle's wacky taste in music, win a game!
I do not have a long time to talk but here's the skinny, gumshoes!
On almost every one of my posts here on the blog there are random lyrics from songs, i've decided to do something with them.
If you can tell me which song each lyric is from (using whatever means necessary, with the exception of asking a ZBL member) I award you a video game!
I'll offer a hint crimebreakers! if you know my musical taste, it will be much easier to decode, every lyric is from a song I have.
Some more info:
If more than one person gets the lyrics we will have quiz based game over msn at a designated time, questioning your knowledge of Zibbudie Babbuhl, so read up on your history.
I have made a count of my total posts, it is estimated at about 83, now, not all of my posts have lyrics attached to the end of them, so be wary.
The person who wins can choose what system the game will be for, but we will choose the game. Trust in the Babbuhl. We do this shit for a living, honestly. Be sure to tell us which ones you already have, though.
Go from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, whatever you like, so long as there is some order and you include the date of the post, the lyric in question, the artist (or artists) and the name of the song. Just keep it neat and get them all.
Today's post, for example: December 9th '05, "I fly a starship across the universe divide", MYSTERY ARTIST - MYSTERY SONG. Painless.
This contest is open to residents of Canada and the U.S., with the exception of those fringe places like Alaska and Hawaii that would be insane to ship to. Don't move there, okay?
Send your submission to zbcontests@gmail.com, pronto. The deadline is Monday, January 9th, 2006 at midnight.
And no, the MC Hammer one below does not count. No lyric after the name, y'know? But today's does.
May the best Babbuhler win!
Last time I play with the font sizes, I promise.
-Kyle and Jems out
I fly a starship across the universe divide
I do not have a long time to talk but here's the skinny, gumshoes!
On almost every one of my posts here on the blog there are random lyrics from songs, i've decided to do something with them.
If you can tell me which song each lyric is from (using whatever means necessary, with the exception of asking a ZBL member) I award you a video game!
I'll offer a hint crimebreakers! if you know my musical taste, it will be much easier to decode, every lyric is from a song I have.
Some more info:
If more than one person gets the lyrics we will have quiz based game over msn at a designated time, questioning your knowledge of Zibbudie Babbuhl, so read up on your history.
I have made a count of my total posts, it is estimated at about 83, now, not all of my posts have lyrics attached to the end of them, so be wary.
The person who wins can choose what system the game will be for, but we will choose the game. Trust in the Babbuhl. We do this shit for a living, honestly. Be sure to tell us which ones you already have, though.
Go from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, whatever you like, so long as there is some order and you include the date of the post, the lyric in question, the artist (or artists) and the name of the song. Just keep it neat and get them all.
Today's post, for example: December 9th '05, "I fly a starship across the universe divide", MYSTERY ARTIST - MYSTERY SONG. Painless.
This contest is open to residents of Canada and the U.S., with the exception of those fringe places like Alaska and Hawaii that would be insane to ship to. Don't move there, okay?
Send your submission to zbcontests@gmail.com, pronto. The deadline is Monday, January 9th, 2006 at midnight.
And no, the MC Hammer one below does not count. No lyric after the name, y'know? But today's does.
May the best Babbuhler win!
Last time I play with the font sizes, I promise.
-Kyle and Jems out
I fly a starship across the universe divide
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