December 18, 2005

An update

Why hello, wayward travellers.

Zibbudie Babbuhl is sort of going through a roadbump with it's members, Jemsy has had a man poke and prod at his mouth, he is currently tending to wounds, his voice, a grim reminder of the proper ways of dental hygiene.

Andre is sick with the cold/flu, whichever it is, I saw him naught 6 hours past, he looks like hell, sounds like hell, and well, yeah he's not doing too good.

Myself, i'm actually getting out of my bronchitis(I had bronchitis for about 3 months) it feels good to be able to breathe again, I feel quite rejuvenated, i'm still coughing a bit, but hopefully it'll subside sooner or later, doing volunteer work for schools and the military humantarian aid(christmas gifts for the poor)

An update to the contest:

The contest will go as such.

The Lyrics will be sent in to the specified e-mail before 11:59pm January 8th, 2006.

I will personally check the accuracy of the answers and such asap, and confirm any winners.

If there is more than one(1) winner there will be a small questionaire about the history of Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's various members, so read up while you still can.(whomever answers the most questions correctly wins)

For the winner they have a choice(s)

We(Zibbudie Babbuhl) meet you at Carrefour Angrignon, we will purchase whatever game for whatever system you choose, you'll be there with us, right on the front lines, we will then as a group, go and eat(place to be determined by various factors) we will take photos and make it into a big post commemorating the first ZBL contest(there will be more)

They're may be 2 ZB members or the whole lane(9 people Evan sadly cannot attend) whomever can attend this event will make a concerned effort to show up.


We simply buy the game and mail it to you with a small letter of thanks or whatnot, maybe a picture of the Lane members signed for idiotic posterity.(This option may be chosen for those who live near us, since you might not want anything to do with a roving band of idiots, for those who are entering from places other than montreal this is the only option we can offer you, we cannot fly u dere due to logistical reasons)

That's about it, Good Luck and take a snoop around for games that might suit your fancy that are coming out within a month.

I personally like the whole going to Carrefour Angrignon, I could use a spicy chickn sandwich.

-Kyle Out

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