December 28, 2005

Christmas Loot

Yes Yes, a christmas loot post, you know it was coming, so sit down, shut up and enjoy it, i'm just kidding, you can leave whenever you want.

i'll start with myself first.

I received the Band of Brothers special DVD set, 6 DVD's of pure awesomeness, I got 50$, which went towards my Imperial Guard Army, and best of all, which I just found out today.

I am now the proud owner of a 1941 M1 Garand and 1938 Colt .45 pistol(and various other weapons) which my grandfather "liberated" from a fallen soldiers in WW2, the things are in damn near perfect condition, just need to find some 30.06 ammo and I can go to a firing range and test the thing out once, then it goes back into the archives, I can't believe I held such a huge piece of history to my family, none of the weapons in the archives were ever taken out, now they're all mine.

Andre to my knowledge got the Ork Codex and 40$ and various things from my family and such, and well, damn near half the food we made for dinner on the 25th so i'd consider that a good haul.

Jemsy got some small stuff as well, 50$ and I think Claudio got him the west side story DVD, which is pretty fucking funny, zing

(Jemsy says: Zing. Zing, indeed.)

People will probably go into more detail by editing the post as they see it, so stay tuned.

Same Zibbudie Babbuhl channel, same Zibbudie Babbuhl time.

1 comment:

alex icon said...

my inner punkrockitude prevents me from not asking this question in regards to the last line:

same zibbudie babbuhl place?

i'm not going anywhere...

ps: mmcztrsz ... it's like some time in the future in roman numerals, except not quite.