November 27, 2006

Let me tell you about my boat

Another update:

My dad is home now, he's been home for a bit I've just been swamped.

he's doing alright considering everything, he's still real fragile and worse off than he's ever been..but that's what getting poison pumped into your veins every week does to you, vapid vile virulent shit that be.

I used to take alot of life for granted, but after leaving the army and going back to being a civilian and seeing what someone just slowly dying does to a family it's really hit me in a profound way, the conflict is from within, not without and we as humanity have to look inwards to find our sense of peace and purpose, it makes you think what we've been fighting for is all worth it.

Of course it always will be..what am I saying.

Oh, and as promised, my boat.

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Our theme song?

-Kyle Out
And oh lordy I kissed her again..because she had kisses sweeter than wine <3

November 22, 2006

What's your handle? I need a Zantac, ok and thanks before I blank into anyphylactic shock

Yeah, so just an update on things with my father.

My dad went in Chemo today, as he does every wednesday because you know..if he doesn't he's fuckin' done.

He get everything done(the process takes 8 hours from start to finish) and they give him his last jumper(jumpers are a steroid which is used to accelerate the chemo process)and after a while he has a reaction..which you guessed it.

Anyphylactic Shock.

Now, i'm no doctor, I used to be a medic though and I know that that's easily the second worst shock anyone can deal with. You know all those kids who are deathly allergic to peanuts and when they eat one by accident they start to react and unless they can use their Auto-Injector(epi-pen) they're basically dead.

Yeah, that's what's happening, he has basically swollen up and this is pretty life threatening.

I'm at home right now, holding down the fort for phone calls and stuff but i'll let you guys know what's happening..

And please guys, give a prayer for my dad, I don't want him to die.

-Kyle Out
Hiding lovers just the same as we'll be, we'll be <3

November 19, 2006

Yes, Gears of War is awesome.

Only one thing better than Gears of War and that's Gears of War set to Toto's "Africa."

Big ups to the guy who did so well with such a simple idea. The timing's great.

November 08, 2006

Gears of War is pretty fuckin' nuts

So if FFXII, but shit, Gears of War is fucking crazy, it's bananas on a scale of unknown bananas.


Let me explain Gears of War to you non-babbuhlers(we also call you normies) GOW as we will now call it, is probably the most visceral experience you will have with guns.

The rifle has a fucking chainsaw bayonet and you cut your enemies apart by revving the weapon up as your character cackles maniacally

Those fucker monsters don't know what the fuck..and neither did I the first time I cut him up, it's so fucking awesome, jesus H christ.

Otherwise the game itself is just an excellence of execution perfect in every way, when you face these monsters you get so fucking scared because they're just so much more powerful and vicious than you, you pump your whole magazine into the lowliest of start to reload, but you get nervous and you fuck your reloading up...the weapon jams and he's just rushing you, firing his weapon you say fuck it, you jump over cover, rev your chain saw up and cut his skull apart.

As I said, it's pretty fucking bananas.

Edit: I'm starting my november nanowriter(or maybe continuing an old one) soon.
Edit2: Melissa(my girlfriend) qualified for the nationals in Calgary, she's leaving on monday so wish her luck.

-Kyle out(playing GOW/FFXII)
Don't be afraid, I've a hand for your hand..and i'll love you for a while <3

November 07, 2006

Fall cleaning.

Hello, Internet.

I've wiped this place down a little. No more straggler-code slowing things down with links to sites we don't visit (save Achewood, but it is a given at this point) and films we'd prefer to keep in the past (though can be found with a search or two all the same) and a newly inaugurated set of Xbox Live badges to wildly gesture at the gains we've recently made in next-generation tomfoolery. Should you be both one of the many on this service and one of the few scrolling this unassuming blog-page, do add us as friends. So lonely. Plus you make the front page if you kick our asses, or vice-versa. A modest feat, I assure you. And we could use the material.

Next up: Stirring accounts of chainsaw death in Gears of War, and shuffling Magic cards like it's 1993 in a return to lower-tech means of social marginalization. Also, out-takes from a mostly serious film project to remind us that we can never stop making inappropriate faces, ever.

Zibbudie Babbuhl.