November 07, 2006

Fall cleaning.

Hello, Internet.

I've wiped this place down a little. No more straggler-code slowing things down with links to sites we don't visit (save Achewood, but it is a given at this point) and films we'd prefer to keep in the past (though can be found with a search or two all the same) and a newly inaugurated set of Xbox Live badges to wildly gesture at the gains we've recently made in next-generation tomfoolery. Should you be both one of the many on this service and one of the few scrolling this unassuming blog-page, do add us as friends. So lonely. Plus you make the front page if you kick our asses, or vice-versa. A modest feat, I assure you. And we could use the material.

Next up: Stirring accounts of chainsaw death in Gears of War, and shuffling Magic cards like it's 1993 in a return to lower-tech means of social marginalization. Also, out-takes from a mostly serious film project to remind us that we can never stop making inappropriate faces, ever.

Zibbudie Babbuhl.

1 comment:

Nat said...

Zibbudie Babbuhl indeed