November 08, 2006

Gears of War is pretty fuckin' nuts

So if FFXII, but shit, Gears of War is fucking crazy, it's bananas on a scale of unknown bananas.


Let me explain Gears of War to you non-babbuhlers(we also call you normies) GOW as we will now call it, is probably the most visceral experience you will have with guns.

The rifle has a fucking chainsaw bayonet and you cut your enemies apart by revving the weapon up as your character cackles maniacally

Those fucker monsters don't know what the fuck..and neither did I the first time I cut him up, it's so fucking awesome, jesus H christ.

Otherwise the game itself is just an excellence of execution perfect in every way, when you face these monsters you get so fucking scared because they're just so much more powerful and vicious than you, you pump your whole magazine into the lowliest of start to reload, but you get nervous and you fuck your reloading up...the weapon jams and he's just rushing you, firing his weapon you say fuck it, you jump over cover, rev your chain saw up and cut his skull apart.

As I said, it's pretty fucking bananas.

Edit: I'm starting my november nanowriter(or maybe continuing an old one) soon.
Edit2: Melissa(my girlfriend) qualified for the nationals in Calgary, she's leaving on monday so wish her luck.

-Kyle out(playing GOW/FFXII)
Don't be afraid, I've a hand for your hand..and i'll love you for a while <3

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