"what a piece of SHIT" -- kyle adam, zibbudie babbuhls
this is my review of halo 3 tHanks for readinghALO 3 IS A FUN GAME the best par tyof halo 3 is when you play on internet and there are guys names funny things LIKE ""the tank ENGINE"" i mean what if his name is tomas (sp?), are we playing a the next generation video games or a TV show for BABYS !! next up an enginer in team fortress 2 called ''BOB"" ie BOB the builder who doesnt even BUILD he just pretends to FOR BABYS lets see u lay it down on 2fort mister your toolsboxes dont even turn to sentry guns they probaly turn to a LUNCHBOX and you sit down and eat tHere are NO WARS but honestly folks the game is LOADS (asin LOADing screen, ie the best part, am i right people hehe its not THAT bad lol SYKE) of fun, you can cause things such as make a map of only rockets and swords OR as kyle says BLEEPING the BLEEPING out of his BLEENIS since he hates those ALOT you can punch people in the head too when tHey are in a car that is not theirs SWEET
PRO TIP: (you should put these in youre review andre SHEESH what kinda gamer aRE YOU) :
- wHEn you run out of bouououllets you can hit the b button (its the red one heh thank me later !) for hitting a guy Or as we say around theses parts; "punch a sucker" "in the mouth",, like yOW one for the kisser (i sent that to a guy once onthe xbox live message service.... you know aht he said?? NOTHING. he probably thought i was talking about girls !??)
in concludement i give it a pictre of MACHO MAN randy savage out of a picture of MACHOMAN randy savage SOrry if it doesnt go i copied it tried to drag it from the other post (under andres) speaking if which YOU ARE FIRED UBISOFT pays for adspace buddy haha JUST kIDDING i cant fire anyone
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