December 03, 2007

Mass Effect or Massive Dump

Nah, i'm just fucking with you guys, Mass Effect kicks your ass and mine no doubt about it.

I may be somewhat biased the game does have it's very extreme failings, an un-intuitive inventory system and nigh on masochistic save system, but golly gee willickers if that doesn't matter what so fucking ever.

Let me ask you a question, a serious question.


Have you ever had sex with a blue alien?


Because I sure have and it feels fantastic, all this and more in Mass Effect.

There's some sort of character generator and great combat system in there somewhere too but i'm sure it was just added on in the end of the build to appease those rpg fucks.

Kill alien fuckheads by the assload, destroy helpless colonies and commit mass(get it now?) genocide all by a decision of a thumbstick.

Buy Mass the best William Shatner Sim ever made.

77 golden manbabies out of a possible 4

-Kyle out
You're the stars in my heaven

P.S and yeah that wireless mic is really fucking shit.


In my haste I forgot that I wanted to talk about something serious...relatively speaking.

As you may or may not know we (Zibbudie Babbuhl and associates) played a vigorous 5 hour marathon of paintball on the 22nd of September, this may have been a while ago but I digress, it is worth talking about even now the dust has finally settled and the warriors have stepped down from their thunderous battles.

We had alot of fucking fun, we had two teams consisting of Zibbudie Babbuhl (James, Andre, Pat, Claudio, Eric, Pat's brother, Adriano, Junluika and myself) against Osborn & Lange.Inc(company I work for) it was a decisive victory for ZB no one would say differently.

It was a victory that we worked damn hard for, having never tested the majority of Zibbudie Babbuhl in anything more tactical than Halo3 put some doubt into my mind, but the calculated destruction of our enemies was nothing short of brutal.

There's alot I can say about what we did that day but I could never do it justice, you just had to be there, on that note, I would like to do it again when the weather gets better, paintball same place hopefully same people.

Someone else will lead ZB this time, should be an honor that is passed between us, also we need pictures this time.

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