January 30, 2005

a Pre-presentation

Aye, I have another thing to show you, the fans of ZB lane, it is called the Gothic Dance. Me and Jems, we love it, we danced it all day.

Gothic Dance (requires quicktime)

P.S: I will be starting up my old Blog sometime soon again, if you have any interest, you know, watch this space and my profile, it will feature any art pieces I do.

Bela Lugosi's Dead

January 26, 2005

And on the seventh day, I created Assinpants.

Aye, after an extensive day of doing Lord of the rings influenced art pieces, I decided to do somewhat of a homage to Achewood
by creating a GIF of one of mine and jemsy's favorite comic.

I call it, Assinpants.

I got a gal, name's Sue, knows just what to do

January 23, 2005

The Delivery Speech

With so much delivery being had, a delivery soundbyte had to have been made:



January 22, 2005

The king of asshole physics has something to say to you

Being said king of physics of assholery.

I have a decree to make:

No Barney body shall be left unturned
No balloon be unfilled
We will unify Zibbudie and Babbuhl
We shall go where no Zibbudie Babbuhl has gone before
The 3rd dimension
The freedom of the air
No longer shall we be constricted to the ground for comedy
We will shout our comedy from the high heavens.

It will be glorious

Fruit salad tree, for Kayla.

Just so you know.

Fruit salad tree

January 19, 2005

Jamie Foxx - I Got Money (From Some Guy)

Not that Collateral wasn't awesome (because it was), but if were were to construct our own version of the film, it'd include a brief interlude right after Jamie Foxx receives the big stack of money from Tom Cruise. It'd go something like this:

I'm so fly (so fly)
I got money (money)
from some guy! (yeah)

That's pretty much it.

January 17, 2005

What we're listening to pt.2

Well, Jemsy has covered the more common songs we listen to, I will list the other ones which have had their 15 seconds in the spotlight, and some other favorites.

Interpol- "Slow Hands"
The sound of tragically hip with the genius of james brown, we can only imagine where Interpol will go.

Jackson Browne- "Doctor my Eyes"
the best "radio hit which no one has ever heard of in our time yet kyle finds and everyone is totally in fucking awe"

MF Doom- "Deep Fried Frienz/Kookies"
A rapper ho models himself after Dr.Doom(of Fantastic Four fame) rapping about ritz bits saltines and triscuits, how could this not be an instant hit.

Overseer- "Velocity Shift"
For being our official "BOOST THA POWER MR.FUGISAWA" song.

KMFDM- "Mortal Kombat"
for the fact that Mortal Kombat kicks all sorts of ass-shaped objects, with the exception of Mortal Kombat 2, without Johnny Cage it was destined to fail.

Jay-Z/Linkin Park colaboration- All of it
For the mutual agreement that it's extremly mediocre and nothing good can be found from it, but everyone swears by it.

House of Pain- "Jump Around"
"pack it up pack it in, let me begin, battle me? that's a sin" only the irish could think of something so crazy, and then rap about it,for that it requires mention.

RJD2- All of it
RJD2 is amazing, it's rap, hip-hop and trip-hop all in one, a brilliant artist in a crippled musical age.

Johnny Cash- "Redemption Songs"

Corey Hart- "Sunglasses at Night"
For being the only techno song of the 80's.

Cirrus- "Stop and Panic"
For the song that we should put on our burnout 3 custom track, but alas.

Chemical Brothers- "Hey Girl, Hey Boy"
For the song that we both suggest we get but we always forget we both have it.

A creature scream, stranglehold, a God machine

January 16, 2005

What are we listening to?

Here at Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, we take a break from abusing ragdoll physics, delivering flags, and sticking our genitals into waffle-makers by listening to music. It has come to our attention that even those with less extravagant hobbies do the same to place a marker between points in their lives. Having found this common ground, we feel that there is no better time than the present to share with you some long-standing favourites and soon-to-be classics. In terms of music, that is--not waffle-makers. While heavily relying on our Audioscrobblers and my memory as a source, here is a short list compiled without rhyme nor reason. Well, maybe a little reason.

- George Baker Selection - "Little Green Bag"
Because it was in Reservoir Dogs.

- Röyksopp - "Remind Me"
Because it alone makes trip-hop a valid sub-genre.

- Daft Punk - "Aerodynamic" (Slum Village remix)
Because it never fucking plays in Burnout 3, goddamn it fuck.

- The Rat Pack - "Swinging On A Star"
Because it's fun to sing and we sort of know the words. Mostly.

- Beastie Boys - "Body Movin'" (Fatboy Slim Remix)
Because if you play Defender I can be your hyperspace.

- Muse - "Muscle Museum"
Because this is what Radiohead would sound like if they grew a sack.

- Oakenfold - "Ready Steady Go" (Remix)
Because Collateral.

- Eric Prydz - "Call on Me"
Because neither of us cannot stop playing it or humming it via text.

Jems: hey bobba
Kyle: lol wut
Kyle: ;o

- Lil Jon, Ying Yang Twins - "Get Low"
Because we hate ourselves.

- B Rock and The Bizz - "That's Just My Baby Daddy"
Because I hate myself.

- DarkMateria - "The Picard Song"
Because we hate everyone in our general vicinity.

- Orbital - "Beached"
Because we were both taken aback, shocked and awed, since not only is the song amazingly hypnotic, but Leonardo DiCaprio's voice did little to no harm.

- Ugly Duckling - Abigail Silk/Eye On The Gold Chain/Hell, anything
Because rap without "blunts, 40s and bitches" can actually be good. Honestly. "Asked her was she jealous. She said, 'A little bit.'"

- DMX - "X Gon' Give It To Ya"
Because it's what you hearin', and, you know, we're such fervent supporters of delivery that X's suggestion to fuck getting it on our own really hit home.

That's all I can think of for now. The other guy around these parts may add some more.

are you sure you want to live like common people? you want to see whatever common people see?

January 14, 2005

Well, I suppose i'm deranged, but I guess i'll just have to call.

I'm your Huckleberry

I will explain in the short future.

Heah, boy...

I'll be yeah huckleberry.

January 13, 2005

Our Anthem

It is with great pleasure that I present another joint effort from the two eloquent bozos who have constructed most of what you see on this page. It is "Zibbudie Babbuhl" the official theme song of not only this site, but my life in its entirety. I am very proud to now bring it to the masses, and it is an honour I will not soon forget.

From us, to you. Zibbudie Babbuhl.

and i ran, i ran so far away

Kyle says: *Zibbudie Babbuhl Dance*

January 08, 2005

Burger-man - Fact or Fiction!?

Jems: i found it again!

Jems: in someone's signature


<<< nephirim-san >>>: ?

Jems: lmao

<<< nephirim-san >>>: lol

Jems: the eyes man

Jems: the eyes

<<< nephirim-san >>>: the eyes

Jems: stare into the eyes of defeat

Jems: know them well

<<< nephirim-san >>>: lol

Jems: kyle

Jems: i firmly believe that the man in that picture has passed on

Jems: if he managed to eat that burger

<<< nephirim-san >>>: i am still in my doubt that the picture is fabricated

<<< nephirim-san >>>: the man and background may be real

Jems: aside from the text overlay.. no photoshop

<<< nephirim-san >>>: oh well

Jems: why go through the trouble of posing like that without a burger like that?

Jems: i mean, that's acting

<<< nephirim-san >>>: so someone can photoshop a burger into your hands?

Jems: oscar calibre stuff

Jems: without an actual burger, you wouldn't have that fear in his eyes

<<< nephirim-san >>>: it's doable

Jems: i still think it's real

Jems: look at the lighting

<<< nephirim-san >>>: although i agree with you

Jems: look at how he's holding it

<<< nephirim-san >>>: it is still doable

Jems: even the water reflects it to an extent

<<< nephirim-san >>>: all that can be done via photoshop

<<< nephirim-san >>>: it would take a good shopper, but it's easy if you have the eye for it

Jems: but with a lot of time, effort and skill

<<< nephirim-san >>>: there are alot of people with that conviction

Jems: yeah, but, think about it

Jems: they actually make burgers that size

Jems: there are actually people who will attempt to eat them

<<< nephirim-san >>>: probably

Jems: it's kind of pointless to go through all that trouble

<<< nephirim-san >>>: as much as i agree with you

<<< nephirim-san >>>: i still think it's a fake

<<< nephirim-san >>>: alot of people go thorugh alot of trouble for nothing

<<< nephirim-san >>>: we just rapped a song between two cats.

<<< nephirim-san >>>: anything is possible

Jems: i know that it can be done in photoshop

Jems: no doubt in my mind

Jems: but all points, the eyes being the strongest argument, point to legitimacy

<<< nephirim-san >>>: it's kind of pointless to argue upon

Jems: kyle

Jems: everything we do is pointless

<<< nephirim-san >>>: lol

Jems: i am posting this along with the picture

Jems: let the fans of zibbudie babbuhl lane debate amongst themselves

January 07, 2005

Well, now.

To be honest, I'm kind of scared to have found out that we have the capacity to do something so stupid, but, well, here it is: Zibbudie Babbuhl's first joint recording. Like a retarded baby, it has trouble standing on its own two feet, but we're damn proud of it and we will force it to interact with other pieces of music/children. (R-REMIX TYME!)

May God have mercy on our souls.

there's cave art of you freakin' to morris day and the time

Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane Presents the Zibbudie Babbuh-mobile and the video game characters it may or may not have helped murder.

Products of Kyle, the scourge of Asshole Physics. These works were produced in Half-Life 2, thanks to Garry's impeccably named Half-Life 2 mod.

yackety sax

January 06, 2005

Halo2 Live/Lan in planning.

Yes, me and Jems thought about having a Live/Lan for Halo2 and other stuff sometime down the road, among us people which i will now call the "group" we hope to get 4 xbox each with 4 people over live sometime.

Kendall has offered his home, he has two tv's, so we have 2 groups of 4 ready, we need 2 more houses, or another house of 2 more groups(unlikely as we only have one system link cable) each person with xbox live (Myself, James, Kendall, Jono) will have to split up with each group to you know facilitate everything,

Spread the word please, but! this is all still within the early planning stages, what we need right now is more places and people, try to roundup about 10-12 people

When I get updates on the situation I will update this post with the relevant info(people coming, who's in each group, date/time)

Andre(without an i)




We currently need 6 more people, but i'ld like to get reserve people in case some cannot attend at a given date.


January 05, 2005

Dispelling an Illusion

So, I'd like to make a statement.

I have many people on my MSN who view this blog, they are like guinea pigs, I unleash this crap onto them as a buffer of sorts, so I may guage their responses and adjust accordingly to the mass public.

But something of an inside joke has occured between me and Jems, it is the "It's...Homosexuals!" line, now, i'm not one to gripe(lie) but putting this as my screen-name has gotten some peculiar statements, and i'd like to dispel any illusion by providing this.

P.S: this has been a post of self mockery and to provide you with a funny comic, I am not angry nor annoyed at anyone, see i'm clever like that.

P.S.S: you can find more funny comics like this(in longer form) by visiting


Don’t mess with the ritz bits wheat thins, saltines and trisquits

January 04, 2005


Yes, i'm telling stories children, gather round.

Me and Jemsy here, we play Halo2 quite often, we like to shoot things, were angry people, I myself, well, I have quite the penchant for shooting a guy in the face, I laugh over it, I take it into my gullet, as I would a fine cheese.

But this is no ordinary gaming, this is Halo2, this is the Bees freakin(foreskin) knees, as Jems would often put it, "Delivery on such an epic scale".

It is almost indescribable how many great moments i get from this game, over Xbox live is where we think of most of our comedy, I dunno, i feel much more creative while zooming in on someone's armored head, as I kill them, It relaxes me

Jems would probably say different, ut while he is taxi-ing me on the battlefield of Capture the flag, he is screaming out profanities "OUDUDUDUDDIE!" "SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" and the always crowd favorite "Zibbudie Babbuhl" when it's all over, we contemplate what has happened, and somehow our special brand of comedy is born.

Yeah so ICP, how the hell do these people get a recording contract? two guys, had the crazy idea of amalgating the innocent carnival with the devil punk hip-hop and rap combo, now, if i were these people, I would call it quits, before they end up like duran duran, micheal jackson, or hell even janet jackson, im sure someone in their band will flash a tit, male tit or otherwise.

Again, I must say this it was DELIVERANCE, every game we played was a game of such perfect teamwork and skill, Zibbudie Babbuhl and Clan chinchilla bringing it home 2005 and on.

Asked her was she jealous, she said "A little bit"

January 03, 2005



Such words were uttered.. nay, screeched, over my Xbox Live headset a few days ago. This followed a discussion with Kyle, who, at the other end of the line, seemed to share my feelings for the Insane Clown Posse. I wasn't yelling at him, no. I was simply restating an imagined lyric from an imagined Insane Clown Posse song. This much I was able to construct after gathering my thoughts concerning the dynamic duo, which were birthed from little more than the only time we had crossed paths: I once saw a full page magazine ad for their (at the time) latest album. It was an especially cheery ordeal -- a close-up headshot of one of the members of ICP, a "fat guy in clown make-up" to quote AMG AllMusic. This fellow, whose name we later narrowed down to be either Violent J or Shaggy 2 Dope (thanks, internet) held a rusty dagger to his unfurled tongue, perhaps as an act of teenage defiance he had waited until his early 30s to portray.

Thus was born our mock Insane Clown Posse anthem:

/ JUST SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU! (unintelligible)

These guys are the coolest. It takes a special kind of artist to perform a song entitled "I Stab People". It takes an even more special type of person to do this while dressed as a clown from the chin up.

and i'm reelin'; yeah i'm reelin'

January 02, 2005

Msn part.2

We at Zibbudie Babbuhl like to provide quality entertainment, and with that said:


and he was stumbling around


i grabbed him and said

"zibbudie babbuhl"



now you know what it's like

now you know

"Nephirim San broke Spectre X's neck"


we lost the match though






after the guy was all like


you won


you won so many times


"oh man i was so lagged when you got me"


by saying zibbudie babbuhl


lol no shit dumbfuck






as i whispered zbbudie babbuhl into the man's ears


he knew


he knew i was going to snap him like a twig






i will make a post


god forbid you ever go to prison


but if you did




you'd make so many friends and enemies at the same time




with zibbudie babbuhl alone


how do you figure?


lunch line


your face is grizzled


face slack


big black guy grabs your shoulder


whisphers something


i smile


you grab his arm, snap it, twist around


he's in your arms


"zibbudie babbuhl, princess"




"zibbudie fucking babbuhl"


he cries


you win


i will do the honors

Jems -

by all means
and there we have it, zibbudie babbuhl used in everyday situations.

January 01, 2005

Happy New Year

Yeah, i've been asleep since 4pm yesterday, sorry for being late but happy new year everyone.

Have a good Tet, you wacky vietnamese.

Jems edited Kyle's post to say: Aye, Happy New Year, all of you. That's all I have to say about that.

He's 38 years old, never kissed a girl