January 04, 2005


Yes, i'm telling stories children, gather round.

Me and Jemsy here, we play Halo2 quite often, we like to shoot things, were angry people, I myself, well, I have quite the penchant for shooting a guy in the face, I laugh over it, I take it into my gullet, as I would a fine cheese.

But this is no ordinary gaming, this is Halo2, this is the Bees freakin(foreskin) knees, as Jems would often put it, "Delivery on such an epic scale".

It is almost indescribable how many great moments i get from this game, over Xbox live is where we think of most of our comedy, I dunno, i feel much more creative while zooming in on someone's armored head, as I kill them, It relaxes me

Jems would probably say different, ut while he is taxi-ing me on the battlefield of Capture the flag, he is screaming out profanities "OUDUDUDUDDIE!" "SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" and the always crowd favorite "Zibbudie Babbuhl" when it's all over, we contemplate what has happened, and somehow our special brand of comedy is born.

Yeah so ICP, how the hell do these people get a recording contract? two guys, had the crazy idea of amalgating the innocent carnival with the devil punk hip-hop and rap combo, now, if i were these people, I would call it quits, before they end up like duran duran, micheal jackson, or hell even janet jackson, im sure someone in their band will flash a tit, male tit or otherwise.

Again, I must say this it was DELIVERANCE, every game we played was a game of such perfect teamwork and skill, Zibbudie Babbuhl and Clan chinchilla bringing it home 2005 and on.

Asked her was she jealous, she said "A little bit"

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