Jems: in someone's signature

<<< nephirim-san >>>: ?
Jems: lmao
<<< nephirim-san >>>: lol
Jems: the eyes man
Jems: the eyes
<<< nephirim-san >>>: the eyes
Jems: stare into the eyes of defeat
Jems: know them well
<<< nephirim-san >>>: lol
Jems: kyle
Jems: i firmly believe that the man in that picture has passed on
Jems: if he managed to eat that burger
<<< nephirim-san >>>: i am still in my doubt that the picture is fabricated
<<< nephirim-san >>>: the man and background may be real
Jems: aside from the text overlay.. no photoshop
<<< nephirim-san >>>: oh well
Jems: why go through the trouble of posing like that without a burger like that?
Jems: i mean, that's acting
<<< nephirim-san >>>: so someone can photoshop a burger into your hands?
Jems: oscar calibre stuff
Jems: without an actual burger, you wouldn't have that fear in his eyes
<<< nephirim-san >>>: it's doable
Jems: i still think it's real
Jems: look at the lighting
<<< nephirim-san >>>: although i agree with you
Jems: look at how he's holding it
<<< nephirim-san >>>: it is still doable
Jems: even the water reflects it to an extent
<<< nephirim-san >>>: all that can be done via photoshop
<<< nephirim-san >>>: it would take a good shopper, but it's easy if you have the eye for it
Jems: but with a lot of time, effort and skill
<<< nephirim-san >>>: there are alot of people with that conviction
Jems: yeah, but, think about it
Jems: they actually make burgers that size
Jems: there are actually people who will attempt to eat them
<<< nephirim-san >>>: probably
Jems: it's kind of pointless to go through all that trouble
<<< nephirim-san >>>: as much as i agree with you
<<< nephirim-san >>>: i still think it's a fake
<<< nephirim-san >>>: alot of people go thorugh alot of trouble for nothing
<<< nephirim-san >>>: we just rapped a song between two cats.
<<< nephirim-san >>>: anything is possible
Jems: i know that it can be done in photoshop
Jems: no doubt in my mind
Jems: but all points, the eyes being the strongest argument, point to legitimacy
<<< nephirim-san >>>: it's kind of pointless to argue upon
Jems: kyle
Jems: everything we do is pointless
<<< nephirim-san >>>: lol
Jems: i am posting this along with the picture
Jems: let the fans of zibbudie babbuhl lane debate amongst themselves
There is something extremly real looking about that burger...and yet...there is something so unrealistic about the whole picture that I can't really argue....hmmm.....photoshop...i think...
The truth is in his eyes! His eyes!
you guys are so fucking cool and scary at the same time that i'm in awe. fucking nuts. of course, i have the same type of conversations in my head, but they're not nearly as long or well defined... just kinda... the fleeting essence of all the questions that surround a picture like that. in awe, i am. in awe.
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