June 28, 2005


So me and jems were talking like we usually do, Zibudie Babbuhl, regaling past great games of halo2 or whatnot, doing comedy, general asshattery.

But suddenly I said:

"Jems, man, I had this fucked up dream, it was pretty crazy"
"tell me yours and i'll tell you mine"

So it goes like this:

Montreal had been infected by Zombies the Army had called in every trooper possible, and sent various members on rescue missions, oddly enough I was sent to Marymount Academy to check for any survivors, It went like any zombie movie, I drove to the back of Marymount in an Army Stryker pulled out my rifle, suited up and went in, obviously some people were infected, I killed them with grim dispatch, looking for my friends mainly, I found Jems:

"where the fuck is everybody?"
"I think Andrei is upstairs and Jono down the hall, both of them are hiding, the rest I don't know"
"alright, Jems, here's a pistol, shoot for the head and stay behind me"

We went down the hall to find Jono, he barracaded a door with a huge desk, smart of him I thought.

"Jono, get out of there, take one of my weapons, were gonna save everybody, have any idea where they might be?"
"last i heard they were down in the caf, hopefully they made it out better than the rest"
"yeah, I hope so too"
"Well, let's get going you two, you've been formally deputized as riflemen in the Canadian Armed forces, make your country proud, kick some ass."
"let's get Andrei from upstairs then head down the caf and go by the external staircase back to my stryker"

we went upstairs, touting my rifle and Jems/Jono both holding one of my many sidearms(I was armed in such a way so as to recruit other people to help me) we screamed

"Andrei! where are you?!"
*Bang* *Bang*

zombies kept dying.

"Andrei? is that you!?"
*Brah as in saying yes*
"Where are you?!"
"In a locker Kyle"
"Jesus, andrei, okay give me a second"

I took my pistol out and shot the lock on the locker and sprung him out, handed him the pistol, and we retreated, barracaded the stairwell with a piece of wood and headed for the caf, the 4 of us now, we made a beeline, shot the lock from the caf doors, and on the stage a few tables were arranged in such a way as to create a perimeter.

"This is Specialist.Adam, Kyle Adam of the Canadian Forces, who's in charge any how many are you?"
"Kyle? it's me Seb! were about 7 people"
"About? I need to know Seb"
"yeah, 7 people"
"okay, were coming to you, don't shoot or anything if you have any sort of weapon"

I signalled Jems and Andrei to go around the right side and take their time, we don't know where they'll pop up,albeit slowly, we made it to the circle of tables.

"you've done a good job Seb, although, if they ever saw you, I doubt you could hold out, should have ran not knowing there was an escape vehicle for you coming, but nonetheless you did good work"

"But on to business, you've all been drafted in the Canadian Armed Forces Defense Initiative, I am to arm you, and were are to make our way to a militia base and receive further instruction, does anyone have a problem with that?"

I had no problems with the people, I don't remember everyone who was there, Seb, Pat, Kendall are the only ones who pop to my head, but there were 4 more people, whom I can't think of right now, but i'm sure it'll come to me.

and that's pretty much my dream, we escaped, and drove off to westmoun in the Stryker, lots of zombies died and it was generally a cool dream.

It sounds really dumb, but hell, it was cool as fonz.

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