June 19, 2005

Injury Report

Yes, I am still very injured, I coughed up blood at about 2am, and I was taken to the E.R asap, got ot a doctor at 4am, looked me over again, he tells me it somehow "An act of god" and that I perhaps Sinned

But he did ask me if anything stressful has happened to me lately, and well, yes, something had, so he wrote that off as the most probable reason, it makes sense, and he gave me more apo-aproxyine or whatever it's called, suffice it to say, i'm not in any good condition.

what does this mean fair citizen?

I cannot do the Kyle Laugh.

my means of existance and ultimate expression are robbed from me, it is a sad day in the world of Zibbudie Babbuhl.

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