June 19, 2005

Resident Evil 4

God, for a long time, I have always said:

"I want to play Resident Evil 4"
"I'm gonna buy Resident Evil 4"
"Resident Evil 4 looks amazing"

I'm lazy though, so I never got to playing it...until tonight.

It was glorious, so very glorious.

The game is so atmospheric, it takes you into a spanish hamlet almost immediately, you are Leon, a former SWAT member turned agent for the U.S government, your mission is to save the president's daughter from a religious cult, known only as the "los illuminos" armed only with a 9mm handgun, you make your venture into unknown territory, you soon discover that all the civilians are ravenous, but still very intelligent, they attack you, and sudden;y, you are stuck, fighting 1-30 people at a time, using everything at your disposal to get out of it alive.

In fact, I remember the most memorable occasion, myself and one of the friendly characters "Luis" had to hole ourselves up in a small 2 floor house while the citizens of this hamlet were laying siege to us, breaking through windows, doors etc, in an attempt of intelligence, I pushed wall-units in front of windows to impede their progress, I pushed down ladders, and pumped shotgun round after shotgun round into merciless monsters.

The game is amazing.

Battle music for this game : Jems and me singing "Reading Rainbow"
Butterfly in the sky, I can fly so high

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