It has come to my attention that there are people who read this blog and enjoy our antics. People who we don't know in person. People we have not directly given a link nor threatened with bodily harm. In other words, we have a fan, in the way rock stars and porn stars and tabloid personalities in the vein of Batboy have fans. His name, ladies and gentlemen, is Andrew. Neither of us know him outside of Internet -- that qualifies him as a fan.
As you may know, Zibbudie Babbuhl is little more than two young men acting stupid, writing about it, and sometimes taking pictures to accompany the text. For this reason, we rely on the contributions of others, be they in the form of moral support or harsh criticism, as means of broadening our horizons and taking cues from the community. When people like Andrew come along, epitomizing bravery by speaking to us via instant messaging with praise following the usual "a/s/l" back and forth, we take notice. We also take action.
I dub thee an honourary member of Babbuhlsquad. You are to go down in our tome.
Kyle edit: Thanks alot Andrew, we really appreciate it.