July 28, 2005

Well to be fair.

I stayed ay Jemsy's house for about 3 days, but this time, it was not all done without sleep, sleep was had, and we were revitalized each and every morning for more babbuhls, almost reminded of a folgers commercial at this second.

And finally, back on my own computer, windows ME never tasted so good, I log onto my blog to find it's been deleted, someone's been hacking my gibson, been a while since i've been on this machine, almost a month now, maybe more, in fact, I made our previous ZBL post from my father's machine, regardless, babbuhls will still manage to wriggle their way into the Zibbudie Babbuhl stratosphere, where magic is born, and rainbows comes to rest.

I was recently injured quite badly, I was put in the hospital for a while, this has hampered the ways of Zibbudie Babbuhl, but I made a confident return in the way of coming up with the greatest premise ever known to mankind, if anyone is wondering what happened to me, something quite heavy and sharp landed on my left wrist, cutting me quite deep and very widely, I remember it quite vividly, blood all over my room, my hand stained in red, I had to take my multi-tool and clamp down my vein so it would stop bleeding, went to the hospital after about an hour of bleeding, got my vein seutered up, the doc's told me I lost a massive amount of blood, any more lost and I would have needed a transfusion, which unluckily for me, my blood factor is quite rare.

To this day, in the right light, my arm/hand hair turns an opaque crimson color.

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