There is Seb, and Pat, and Andre and a small bit of Claudio, you'll have to excuse the camera, he was drinking heavily the night before.

Here is Pat, fondling Chunky Monkey, notice the look of utter contempt on Chunky Monkey's face, I was sleeping on the couch in the background as I was up till 4am the night before.

Me and Evan, Evan is like the Fonz, totally cool and impervious to harm, he punched the xbox cause it wasn't working, totally blowing it up, his hand was totally unharmed, as you can see.

One word: Totallyfuckingawesome

Again, Evan showing off his unharmed hand from the previous Xbox punch, I call this dance The Hary Kary or the GABBA GABBA HEY, I did it once and Evan was totally enamored in it, I did thep ose and asked Evan, come on little man, let's do this, and we started dancing up a storm.

Before Evan left, we needed one last thumbs up for the night, it was glorious.

The most awesome of awesome pictures, the last of the people who were there, got into a group photo, incidently, myself, Andre and Seb were the only ones interested in doing a dumb pose, and well, seb didn't really intend on doing it either, it just works with him I suppose, and yes, I am wearing blue shades and doing the GABBA GABBA HEY.

And I am spent, tune in same Zibbudie Babbuhl Channel, Same Zibbudie Babbuhl Time.
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