July 13, 2005

An attempt at defining Zibbudie Babbuhl.

This is for you, Andre. Should be on Wikipedia soon.

Zibbudie Babbuhl refers to all acts of comedy, physical or otherwise, portrayed by or pertaining to Kyle Banyon Adam and James Jacobo-Mandryk, such that these acts define their lifestyle and social interactions.

"Zibbudie Babbuhl," used as an expression, oftentimes bookends such acts of comedy or brings their irreverent nature to the attention of all participants. It is usually meant to convey victory, determination, or simply the celebration of human existence. Shifts in tone can present "Zibbudie Babbuhl" as akin to saying "such is life."

On their own, "Zibbudie" and "Babbuhl" have respective meanings within the context of Zibbudie Babbuhl.

Zibbudie - adj. Of a nature that strikes those who accept Zibbudie Babbuhl, as positive. ("[That is] so zibbudie.")

Babbuhl - verb. To partake in activities that reflect or incorporate shenanigans inherent to Zibbudie Babbuhl. ("Let us babbuhl.")

Babbuhl - noun. An event characterized by babbuhling. ("Our longest babbuhl on record.")

Attempts have been made to humourously translate Zibbudie Babbuhl into various languages, with results that are essentially meaningless gibberish but reflect the comedy of Zibbudie Babbuhl to a T. For instance, the Italian equivalent would be "Sheppo di Pappo." "Ein Babbuhlheimer" has been suggested as a German expression that implies the same.

More to come.

Zibbudie Babbuhl Wiki

It's finally up, after two years of me and Jemsy saying "we should so do that" it's finally here.

A big thanks to Jems he did almost all of the work, while I sat back and read Wiki's about Pokémon in my boredom.


Nat said...

lmao...it reminds me of the "baby got back" with different accents. jems you promised you'd record it for me months ago! :(...lol...im waiting...

alex icon said...

*sour face*

i checked on wikipedia for zibbudie babbuhl this afternoon.



that is all.

Kyle said...

Yeah, we're planning the article now, it's kind of hard, seeing as Wikipedia is the equal of the Nazi's of 45 but for definitions rather than religions, we gotta go in all professional like.

which is basically the exact opposite of Zibbudie Babbuhl

alex icon said...


Well that's alright then.

To you I say: Good luck, sir.

Keep on babbuhling, I guess. That works too.