December 09, 2005

A Special Contest! Highlight Kyle's wacky taste in music, win a game!


I do not have a long time to talk but here's the skinny, gumshoes!

On almost every one of my posts here on the blog there are random lyrics from songs, i've decided to do something with them.

If you can tell me which song each lyric is from (using whatever means necessary, with the exception of asking a ZBL member) I award you a video game!

I'll offer a hint crimebreakers! if you know my musical taste, it will be much easier to decode, every lyric is from a song I have.

Some more info:

If more than one person gets the lyrics we will have quiz based game over msn at a designated time, questioning your knowledge of Zibbudie Babbuhl, so read up on your history.

I have made a count of my total posts, it is estimated at about 83, now, not all of my posts have lyrics attached to the end of them, so be wary.

The person who wins can choose what system the game will be for, but we will choose the game. Trust in the Babbuhl. We do this shit for a living, honestly. Be sure to tell us which ones you already have, though.

Go from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, whatever you like, so long as there is some order and you include the date of the post, the lyric in question, the artist (or artists) and the name of the song. Just keep it neat and get them all.

Today's post, for example: December 9th '05, "I fly a starship across the universe divide", MYSTERY ARTIST - MYSTERY SONG. Painless.

This contest is open to residents of Canada and the U.S., with the exception of those fringe places like Alaska and Hawaii that would be insane to ship to. Don't move there, okay?

Send your submission to, pronto. The deadline is Monday, January 9th, 2006 at midnight.

And no, the MC Hammer one below does not count. No lyric after the name, y'know? But today's does.

May the best Babbuhler win!

Last time I play with the font sizes, I promise.

-Kyle and Jems out
I fly a starship across the universe divide


The Singing Butler said...

Willie Nelson, Highwayman. Jay-uhhh.

Nat said...

do we have to find the songs for jems' blogs too?

Kyle said...

No, this blog and only this blog, and only my posts.