July 29, 2005

A ceremony of sorts.

It has come to my attention that there are people who read this blog and enjoy our antics. People who we don't know in person. People we have not directly given a link nor threatened with bodily harm. In other words, we have a fan, in the way rock stars and porn stars and tabloid personalities in the vein of Batboy have fans. His name, ladies and gentlemen, is Andrew. Neither of us know him outside of Internet -- that qualifies him as a fan.

As you may know, Zibbudie Babbuhl is little more than two young men acting stupid, writing about it, and sometimes taking pictures to accompany the text. For this reason, we rely on the contributions of others, be they in the form of moral support or harsh criticism, as means of broadening our horizons and taking cues from the community. When people like Andrew come along, epitomizing bravery by speaking to us via instant messaging with praise following the usual "a/s/l" back and forth, we take notice. We also take action.

I dub thee an honourary member of Babbuhlsquad. You are to go down in our tome.

Kyle edit: Thanks alot Andrew, we really appreciate it.

July 28, 2005

Well to be fair.

I stayed ay Jemsy's house for about 3 days, but this time, it was not all done without sleep, sleep was had, and we were revitalized each and every morning for more babbuhls, almost reminded of a folgers commercial at this second.

And finally, back on my own computer, windows ME never tasted so good, I log onto my blog to find it's been deleted, someone's been hacking my gibson, been a while since i've been on this machine, almost a month now, maybe more, in fact, I made our previous ZBL post from my father's machine, regardless, babbuhls will still manage to wriggle their way into the Zibbudie Babbuhl stratosphere, where magic is born, and rainbows comes to rest.

I was recently injured quite badly, I was put in the hospital for a while, this has hampered the ways of Zibbudie Babbuhl, but I made a confident return in the way of coming up with the greatest premise ever known to mankind, if anyone is wondering what happened to me, something quite heavy and sharp landed on my left wrist, cutting me quite deep and very widely, I remember it quite vividly, blood all over my room, my hand stained in red, I had to take my multi-tool and clamp down my vein so it would stop bleeding, went to the hospital after about an hour of bleeding, got my vein seutered up, the doc's told me I lost a massive amount of blood, any more lost and I would have needed a transfusion, which unluckily for me, my blood factor is quite rare.

To this day, in the right light, my arm/hand hair turns an opaque crimson color.

July 22, 2005

Jems' Birthday

Rather than regale you with our Halo2 matches and what not on this day(Team Claudio is black/TCIB kicked ass) I will simply put up some pictures, not many were taken, but those that were are of the highest quality.

There is Seb, and Pat, and Andre and a small bit of Claudio, you'll have to excuse the camera, he was drinking heavily the night before.

Here is Pat, fondling Chunky Monkey, notice the look of utter contempt on Chunky Monkey's face, I was sleeping on the couch in the background as I was up till 4am the night before.

Me and Evan, Evan is like the Fonz, totally cool and impervious to harm, he punched the xbox cause it wasn't working, totally blowing it up, his hand was totally unharmed, as you can see.

One word: Totallyfuckingawesome

Again, Evan showing off his unharmed hand from the previous Xbox punch, I call this dance The Hary Kary or the GABBA GABBA HEY, I did it once and Evan was totally enamored in it, I did thep ose and asked Evan, come on little man, let's do this, and we started dancing up a storm.

Before Evan left, we needed one last thumbs up for the night, it was glorious.

The most awesome of awesome pictures, the last of the people who were there, got into a group photo, incidently, myself, Andre and Seb were the only ones interested in doing a dumb pose, and well, seb didn't really intend on doing it either, it just works with him I suppose, and yes, I am wearing blue shades and doing the GABBA GABBA HEY.

And I am spent, tune in same Zibbudie Babbuhl Channel, Same Zibbudie Babbuhl Time.

July 13, 2005

An attempt at defining Zibbudie Babbuhl.

This is for you, Andre. Should be on Wikipedia soon.

Zibbudie Babbuhl refers to all acts of comedy, physical or otherwise, portrayed by or pertaining to Kyle Banyon Adam and James Jacobo-Mandryk, such that these acts define their lifestyle and social interactions.

"Zibbudie Babbuhl," used as an expression, oftentimes bookends such acts of comedy or brings their irreverent nature to the attention of all participants. It is usually meant to convey victory, determination, or simply the celebration of human existence. Shifts in tone can present "Zibbudie Babbuhl" as akin to saying "such is life."

On their own, "Zibbudie" and "Babbuhl" have respective meanings within the context of Zibbudie Babbuhl.

Zibbudie - adj. Of a nature that strikes those who accept Zibbudie Babbuhl, as positive. ("[That is] so zibbudie.")

Babbuhl - verb. To partake in activities that reflect or incorporate shenanigans inherent to Zibbudie Babbuhl. ("Let us babbuhl.")

Babbuhl - noun. An event characterized by babbuhling. ("Our longest babbuhl on record.")

Attempts have been made to humourously translate Zibbudie Babbuhl into various languages, with results that are essentially meaningless gibberish but reflect the comedy of Zibbudie Babbuhl to a T. For instance, the Italian equivalent would be "Sheppo di Pappo." "Ein Babbuhlheimer" has been suggested as a German expression that implies the same.

More to come.

Zibbudie Babbuhl Wiki

It's finally up, after two years of me and Jemsy saying "we should so do that" it's finally here.

A big thanks to Jems he did almost all of the work, while I sat back and read Wiki's about Pokémon in my boredom.

July 05, 2005


God, I am tired, I was at jemsy's house for about 2 days, we didn't sleep a damn wink, we babbuhled, we talked, we watched movies, we did what were supposed to, plan and contrive new methods of babbuhling and new funny scenarios, our newest you ask?

Mickey Rourke (Jems edit: Mickey Rooney) getting in a tussle with the Black Eyed Peas, and various shens that can happen, it was at our worst of the sleep deprived stage, we were essentially babbling(see how close that is to babbuhling) stupid things that mickey (rooney) could do or would do, I could hardly flail my arms to simulate the defense he would fashion in his haste and old age.

Had alot of good food, and basically vegged around, what I call a good time, shens on an unparralel level.

This is the longest babbuhl on record, from 1pm yesterday to 9pm today, 32 hours.

Also, never buy silent hill 4 the room, it's crap.

July 01, 2005

Thoughts on Halo 2.

A prime example of a fine game being ruined by a shitty community. It's impossible to come by a matchmade game where people don't

a) Leave when they're on the losing team
b) Intentionally kill their teammates
c) Abuse their privilege to use the Xbox Live headset
d) Cheat using modified map files
e) Dominate through camping power weapons

I know it's a video game, but the lack of sportsmanship is astounding. We've had our share of great times with this one, but we're looking at five strikes here. Not one, two or three. Five. It's mind-numbingly aggravating when you sit back during the Post Game Carnage Report and see that what used to be a fun, competitive experience around which gleeful Babbuhls and extraordinary delivery were once based has become a wasteland of stupid people doing stupid things. The miserable shitbricks who find some kind of solace in mouthing off after the game are like a cherry-shaped gall stone on top of a cake made of shit. A layer cake, at that.

Halo 2, you were good to us until you were reamed by the countless $50 causes of your own success. I wearily look forward to your new maps, if only to see what comes of the patch released alongside them. You knock off a few of those strikes with cold hard justice and the technical means to support it, and then we'll talk. Until then, I think we're going to start snapping necks again. Believe you me, each vertebrae twisted into a shape vaguely resembling a pretzel will symbolize one of many screeching 12-year-olds who pissed on our magnificent parade.

In closing, here is a logo of sorts for Zibbudie Babbuhl. Feel free to recoil in astonishment. (By the way, that's faux-Latin for "He Who Dares, Babbuhls.")

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Halo2, bye.

Yeah, I've recently given up playing Halo2, it's a really shitty community, and well, a pretty shitty game.

We haven't had a Babbuhl in a long time from Halo2, in fact we've probably had reverse Babbuhls, I think the game is pretty dead, albeit tens of thousands are playing it, I think we've played this one out.

We at Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane will continue to deliver quality Babbuhls.