On to various news sources:
I have tried the Black demo, and holy god, that game is going to be tits on glass x 4, too bad it will never see the light of multiplayer, tis a shame really, the action is so furious, god damn, all hiding behind a car, 7.62mm round flailing at it, taking off the doors and windows, bullets going thorugh the cover, as I pop up "ra-tat-tat-ta-ta and all the terrorists scatter" essentially all the environment can be destroyed in some way, I actually shot the floor under some dude and he plummeted to his death, it was glorious.
Also WE WON WORLD WAR 2, SHIT YEAH BITCHES myself and Jemsy have initiated a campaign of utter destruction of the German Wehrmacht of 1945, Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is the zenith of Nazi killing, all screaming into the mic, "JEMSY I NEED SUPPRESSING FIRE ON THAT MG!" only to hear a timid "Zibbudie Babbuhl" as Jems threw a grenade and destroyed te entire position, I then charge with my men,obliterating any other resistance with the hallowed Tommy Gun, it's a beautiful thing.
We also play Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf now, unlike that last mechassault, this game is actually fun, it looks great, shit is more balanced, more strategy, however, we suck dick at the game currently, the game requires such a different thought process, although I will always cherish the moment I mechjacked Jemsy, I entered the last of the wonderous code, 1 second..2 second! and Jemsy's pilot pod careened through his cockpit, a victory for Kyle.
Zibbudie Babbuhl seems to be moving itself along the internet very nicely, we're seepng into every nook and cranny, delivering the word of Babbuhl, it's something I have always dreamed to see, and it's happening now, so very nicely, and well, wouthout vilence, I thought I was gonna have to tie a few people to a chair and cut off a few ears scream into the discombobulated ear "ZIBBUDIE BABBUHL PRINCESS" show those non-believers..
I have some friends i'd like you to meet!
The Canadian 5th Army

Those are my WH40k figures, that's just one platoon, I have a second platoon a tank my command squad and my JTF2, Velox Foxtrot.
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