January 11, 2006

A vision

Now, when I said quite a while back that I had a real vision for Zibbudie Babbuhl, most people just passed that off as standard drivel and stupidity which spews from my mouth on a regular basis, contrary to popular belief, that just isn't so, I actually had a marvelous plan in which to accompany said vision.

If some of you remember, I proclaimed that Zibbudie Babbuhl would become akin to the Empire in Star Wars, while I wish nothing more than total domination of the local star sector(peacefully), that will have to wait a bit, this is different, this will actually be happening in a few years, I can't tell you my plans now, but as they unfurl you'll notice, i've been working on this for a long time, and I can promise you that it will be something special, well, it will be to me, some people might react with apathy.

I just wanted to share a bit of my Dream with you guys.

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(Jemsy note: I made that! And I can confirm that the Dream, as it were, is a most awesome one. Hint: not a clothing line.)

-Kyle Out
She smiled at you...boooooooyyy

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