January 08, 2006

The contest is over...

And nobody won!

No one guessed all the lyrics, tis a shame really, oh well, we'll have another contest soon enough, a contest with such a cool prize, we can't even say!

Correction, says Jemsy, correction!

On a un gros gagnant! We have a big wiener!

In the nick of time, sir Eric Mendoza shuttled to our contest inbox his ticket to a video game of his choice and countless nightmares should he choose to wine and dine. Congratulations, Eric! And thanks for saving us the shipping costs to South America. That would've killed our babbuhl budget.

Eric would like to thank Coca-Cola, Hilroy and the fine people at BiC, mostly because they are the brands behind the objects in his vicinity at the moment I informed him of his victory.

For the curious, Eric beat all other entries by correctly guessing 32 of 38 songs.

Eric's prize, a Playstation 2 game of our heartiest recommendation, is to be announced shortly. Or we'll keep it a secret. Depends on how we're going to deliver.

Stay sharp, folks.

Edit: Eric has chosen the Zibbudie Babbuhl adventure to Carrefour Angrignon, where the 3 members of Zibbudie Babbuhl and Eric will take a mystical journey of shopping, he will get his game, we will eat, people will most certainly die, and we will plot a way to pilfer a chinchilla, good times shall be had.

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