January 28, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl Plans(that never made it)

Yes, as you may know, us 3 at ZB, we're chock full of ideas, promises and hopes for the future, truthfully, we're full of empty promises, pessimistic ideaologies and we just re-use old tired gags, yes, it's true, but that doesn't make us less funny, no siree bob.

Let's take a few looks at the plans in which Zibbudie Babbuhl came up with yet never left it's beta stages.

1) The Zibbudie Babbuhl Movie:

Yes, we had the idea to incorporate basically every Zibudie Babbuhl moment ever in one single film, we soon realized after spouting our ideas on Halo2 that this movie would simply be too awesome to show to the general public.

Imagine it, every Zibbudie Babbuhl moment in one film, over and over, greatness portent, we were afraid it would destroy the foundations the catholic church had lay over 700 years ago, we've kept this idea in the proverbial safe, never to be unveiled fully....

In actuality, the movie wold have been way too long, we needed sets that we didn't have access to, we required more people than we could manage, especially since back then, we were a 2 man wrecking crew who shot virtual avatar's and little more, and well, the expense of batteries would have bankrupted us, fucking bankrupted us.

2.Zibbudie Babbuhl DVD Commentary:

We decided on the movie and everything, but Jemsy and I just ook a deep look into this idea and just realized it would be us making stupid noises and referencing other jokes from other movies(you a docta) for about an hour and 14 minutes, not being sadists, we decided that this idea was folly, it was a flawed piece of crap from the start, the idea isn't scrapped, but man, it would be a cold day in hell when it comes out.

The movie was Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle if you were wondering, I wanted to do Collateral, but that movie was actually really good, didn't want to ruin it.

3. Zibbudie Babbuhl Music Parody:

Jems and I like music, it's awesome stuff, we also like much of the same music, ot' odd, but the mixture of RJD2, Pépé Deluxe, and MF Doom does something to people...it makes them totally awesome we also like making jokes about things, as any amateur comedian would, when the idea of parodying music came along, we took it with zeal, Fire soon cameout, struck the nation in a cacaphony of ultrasound 101 it was a smash hit, but we went too far...

Our next parody was the of Golden Earring - Radar Love, now, I love this song, who doesn't it's just pure awesomeness disytilled into song form, you cannot tell any person to listen to this song and expect them to not like it, so we thought what better song to do?!

We Were Wrong..

The intricasies of the song are subtle and difficult to master, impossible to recreate, our minds were blown as Jems struck his Ukelele and I hummed that harmonica, we tried our hardest to recreate hgat wonderful sound, but it was just out of our hands....as world, you crreare the most beautiful art, only to blind everyone on the planet...tis a shame really.

After a while the idea represented itself once more, through Highwaymen a staple around these parts as all three members here like Johnny Cash's music, and since Senor Cash is in the Highwaymen, we like them by default, but we thought parodying a song of some of the greatest country music signers would be quite disrespectful seeing as we liked the song so much, and that we should stick to the crappy stuff we hate.

Hands were shook promises made, Highwaymen remains out of the grasp of Zibbudie Babbuhl to this day.

That's all I guess, we were stupid enough to do everything else our sick minds thought of, true heroes of this era I tell you.

-Kyle Out
Now every day I been listening to "Love Supreme"
I mean I've fallen in deep like a submarine

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