November 22, 2006

What's your handle? I need a Zantac, ok and thanks before I blank into anyphylactic shock

Yeah, so just an update on things with my father.

My dad went in Chemo today, as he does every wednesday because you know..if he doesn't he's fuckin' done.

He get everything done(the process takes 8 hours from start to finish) and they give him his last jumper(jumpers are a steroid which is used to accelerate the chemo process)and after a while he has a reaction..which you guessed it.

Anyphylactic Shock.

Now, i'm no doctor, I used to be a medic though and I know that that's easily the second worst shock anyone can deal with. You know all those kids who are deathly allergic to peanuts and when they eat one by accident they start to react and unless they can use their Auto-Injector(epi-pen) they're basically dead.

Yeah, that's what's happening, he has basically swollen up and this is pretty life threatening.

I'm at home right now, holding down the fort for phone calls and stuff but i'll let you guys know what's happening..

And please guys, give a prayer for my dad, I don't want him to die.

-Kyle Out
Hiding lovers just the same as we'll be, we'll be <3


Nat said...

sending prayers your way...i have faith that you and the family will pull through and beat this.

Pat said...

I've never really believed in the power of prayer, but for what it's worth, I wish your father well.