March 30, 2006

Lose it, it means go longer in possession of one's faculties....three fries short of a happy meal......

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March 29, 2006


Kingdom Hearts II is in!

Oh lord yes, the day i've been waiting for for so long, it's finally here, all I need to do is go to angrignon and pick it up, this has turned into the holy grail for me, the game has been in development since the first one came out, and if it's even half as good as the past one, it will be so aweosme no other game will compare.

The old one is probably my favorite game.

I have alot of good(and some bad)memories attached to it, but in spite of that it still remains one of the best games i've ever played, it'ssort of like Discovery to me, no matter what else I listen to, it's still my favorite album.

I am going to play this like a damn fiend, oh lord, please, guide my hand as I fall into hermitage.

-Kyle out
Roses and wine <3

March 27, 2006

I used to like the word Apostasy

I like to talk as many people know, i'm a god damn chatterbox but, I only speak seriously when there's a cause that I believe in or something needs to be done, i'm just like that.

I have a few problems with the Muslim/Islam faith, now, i'm a very big supporter of Cultural Relativism i'm all for other people celebrating their culture, whatever makes you dudes happy over in Bumfuck, Rockingston is fine by me, but I, like the rest of the civilized world has limits, only so much horseshit one can take before they just snap, I think we've hit that point now with the Muslim/Islam faith.

Abdul Rahman was a medical attendant in Peshawar, Pakistan, he conveted to the christian faith while working for a christian non-government group, while his reasons are unknown for his conversion of faith, that is not the point, the man willingly chose to follow a different faith and teaching, own free will and all that jazz, this man is not a terrorist, nor a criminal, he helped many a people, be they his own or others, and now he is being charged with apostasy.

n. pl. a·pos·ta·sies
Abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.

Now to my understanding, in the teachings of Muslim, if you leave the faith, you are to be brutally murdered or excommunicate, now, this is what I have a problem with, i'm going to Afghanistan in a while, and these people want our help, they request us to help set up a government, a free nation, a democracy, we sent upwards of 2'100 soldiers to help with this, and they turn their backs around and pull apostasy, quoting the ancient Hadith, I want to know what I and many other soldiers doing up there is worth our time and when bullshit like this pops up, it leaves many of us wondering.

Suffice it to say, the United States and oh my mercy Canada had a shitstorm over this little debacle, and rightly so, last I heard and last I experienced, it isn't a crime to be hypocritical(using Mohammed's definition dictated by the Hadith) and nor is it a crime to convert your faith, be it for whatever reason you like(I knew a man who convert to Judaism for the holidays, once I think about it, that's was pretty smart)

The Taliban government is gone now, we did alot of work to remove it, lives were lost and ruined for the freedom of a country over 4000 miles away.

I think for once George Bush said it best.

"It is deeply troubling that a country we helped liberate would hold a person to account because they chose a particular religion over another"
-President. G.W Bush

As much as you find it sinful and destructive, you don't pull this shit on a man for converting to his faith, especially after we destroyed one of the most tyranical governments since Nazi Germany.

That dog won't hunt monsenior.

-Kyle out
She's got a lover so the lies and the lust is a rush <3

Opening night, people.

php hit counter

March 25, 2006

Puerto Rican experiences relating to and of Zibbudie Babbuhl, One in a Series

Hey, guys. I just got off a plane and finished cleaning cat poop. Here are some fun facts about the island of Puerto Rico!

1. Puerto Rico is an island!

2. The people who live there speak Spanish but it is OK if you want to use English or German or French or something like that. (They don't really mind so long as you do it on your own time.)

3. Nobody knows what snow is, and those who do are pulling your leg to make you feel comfortable.

4. It is not uncommon to wield machetes on the street in broad daylight, with or without any certifiable reason, which to me is totally rad because I don't even know where to buy a machete in Canada or how to use one.

5. The maids do not ask if you did your pee-pee and I think only one or two are named Maria.

6. Shopping centre parking lots are circled by squad cars and watched over by armed guards in towers who are positioned as such to protect you from getting shot in the face and also to keep prices low.

7. There are a few Asians but they are either Japanese business-families on vacation or Puerto Ricans inhabiting a reanimated human vessel.

8. Everybody listens to reggaeton, which has as much to do with reggae as Gilbert Gottfried. It is rap and dance music minus everything I like about rap and dance music.

9. People clap when the plane lands now. And no, there weren't any snakes on it.



So, yes, Zibbudie Babbuhl's back, baby. Say that like Nixon and you are set. You are so set.

- Jems
Zibbudie Babbuhl in Spanish is "Zibbudie Babbuhl."



That's right you candy ass bitches, we're back, all rested up, all rip roaring for shens and shits and giggles, that's right SHITS SHENS AND GIGGLES! 3 FOR FUCKING 1 M I RITE?

In other news, Kingdom Hearts 2 is coming out in about 5 days..Fuck yes I have a full preorder on it and im getting it as soon as it comes out, I will then not speak to anyone for at least 4 days.

Also, as soon as everything is cleared up after my training, i've volunteered for duty in Afghanistan, just thought you dudes and duddettes should know, i'll be all up in Kandahar, translating and directing my company, shit yeah, i'm also getting a transfer to Petawawa Ontario, to the 2nd Mechanized Brigade HQ, at least I have been told I'm getting a transfer there.

Jems will probably make a post sooner or later, keep watching you wacky cats.

-Kyle Out
Deeper love..give me a sign.. <3

March 21, 2006







I still haven't pooped that chicken sandwhich oh man oh Lord LORD

March 19, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl is on vacation

Yes, I have called a vacation for all Zibbudie Babbuhl members, I for one am very busy with a woman from Westmoreland Jamaica, little time to post, little incentive.

Should Jems post, by all means, but this cat is off on an another adventure.

I will leave you with these words for one week.

"You wanna know if they're true or not. The stories about me? Did you ever notice with stories like that, everyone says they heard it from someone who was there. Then when you ask that person, they say they heard it from someone who was there. It's nothing new really. I bet if you went back two thousand years, you'd hear a couple centurions standing around yakking about how Tertius lopped off the heads of some Carthaginian prisoners."

"Well, maybe they kept talking about it because they never heard Tertius deny it."

"Maybe that's because Tertius knew there was some value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the whole Roman Legion."

March 18, 2006

Ahahah! I am unstoppable!

Yes sir, that's right, Jemsy is leaving in about..22 hours, when he does, you guys are going to get it, I will rip the internet a new asshole, you will be bombarded by pure stupidity, since no one will be able to scold me!




But seriously, Jemsy is leaving for Puerto Rico in less than a day, he's going for I think is a week, all sunshine and lollipops over there, while the rest of Zibbudie Babbuhl has to sit around here in the muck of this cold ass country.

We have discussed implementing Zibbudie Babbuhl into suitcases, but I then reminded Jems that I indeed had claustrophobic tendencies.

In anticipation of this daywe have been creating so many ideas it isn't even funny, we have brutally desecrated the memory of Johnny Cash(even though we love him) CSI: Miami has been brought down to clown antics..NOTHING IS SAFE FROM ZIBBUDIE BABBUHL.

Eric got his prize, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance and the special edition DVD retail value 70.00$

I hope you enjoy the game Eric, from our hearts to yours.



-Kyle out
I want you more than anything in my life <3

March 17, 2006

This is how we roll

The winner of our contest Eric, won a game of our choosing, and it came in today, so we got it with him, since it needed my john handcock.

Eric and I at the food court, Eric is clearly pleased at what is transpiring.

This is why I do not wear hats for those who have inquired.

Eric and his prize, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance with the special edition DVD, WE HATH DELIVERED

See what Zibbudie Babbuhl can do for you?! sign up for the Zibbudie Babbuhl newsletter today!

March 14, 2006

March 13, 2006

Tonight's CSI: Miami Horatioism

Horatio stands outside a court room following a not guilty verdict in the favour of a man accused of murdering his wife. Bald Cop Guy approaches, snapping his cell phone closed.

Bald Cop Guy
: "They just found Melissa Rowe's body. Too bad the verdict's in."
Horatio: (arranging sunglasses) "The verdict may be in--

--but the jury's out."



March 06, 2006

Let me tell you something!

I am very angry and excessivly irritable, coupled by the fact that I am naturally an asshole and a very easily provokable person, this is obviously a bad combination, let me tell you who i'm angry at.

The Canadian Reserves, in specifics, 3rd Field Engineers.

I have been a sapper(that's a demolitions soldier) within that unit for 2 years, and they repay my contribution with negligence of duty.

During my Basic Training almost 3 years ago now, take a month or so, my helmet and other items were stolen from me, a repoort was made, and it was to be taken care of.

I learn 11 days before being shipped off to prelim's that my file is in mass disrepair, tons of paperwork is missing in which my regiment has to provide, nearly all of which they need to write up is missing or erraticaly filled out, I was brought in front of basically a tribunal, in full dress uniform, looking quite dapper.

"As a result, Corporal.Adam(Kyle Banyon) is no longer eligible for this rotation of service, the Corporal will have to wait for another offer until his paperwork is settled"

I screamed at the board, it was negligence, pure and simple, and I requested legal counsel and that I would be pursuing a lawsuit against 3rd Field Engineers and the 34th Brigade for Negligence of Duty and Due Process, and that I would not accept the judgement of the board until a lawyer and chaplain were present, I told them I would not let this happen.

My retinue took a while to arrive, but it was my right for this and as a soldier of Canada it would be given to me, my group conferred that although it was negligence, nothing could be done now, so I accepted the board's decision and left with a bit of tears welling in my eyes, I lost my opportunity to serve again.

I'll tell you guys something, as much as I profess to wanting no violence in my life and everyone should love each other...I love being on the front, being in the dirt, I enjoy the fight, knowing you're doing something with your life, it's something I want to do, but being denied that for the second time to circumstances that just shouldn't be a problem...well it hurts, I just want to put on my uniform, fix up my beret and get on a plane, and fight for the freedom in which every person is entitled to.

But I get shut down because my regiment is negligent, and now they'll have to pay for it, and so do I, i'm stuck here for God knows how long.

Here's to you Canada, you and your shitty reservists.

-Kyle Out
Those sunburned hands I used to hold...

March 04, 2006

I'd like to present you something

I've been playing DoD to vent my anger, and alot of anger I do have, and i've discovered something in which i've discovered almost 3 years ago.

the M1 Carbine is the Lord and our saviour Jesus Christ in a weaponized platform, call me a heathen if you will, but one of my religious freedoms is to worship whatever I deem I have a spiritual connection with, and this is it baby.

Caliber: .30 US Carbine (7.62x33 mm)
Action: Gas operated, rotating bolt
Overall length: 904 mm
Barrel length: 458 mm
Weight: 2.36 kg without magazine
Magazine capacity: 15 or 30 rounds

WW2's finest, and in my hands it's deadly as all christ, Day of Defeat was never such a fun experience, it's a shame that the weapon has been relagated to a support function, however i went 56-24(that's 56 kills and 24 deaths on one map) with only 3 magazines each spawn, oh man oh man, this is so awesome, the carbine used to be my favorite weapon and now it's back with vengeance.

-Kyle out
King of the road