I like to talk as many people know, i'm a god damn
chatterbox but, I only speak seriously when there's a cause that I believe in or something needs to be done, i'm just like that.
I have a few problems with the Muslim/Islam faith, now, i'm a very big supporter of
Cultural Relativism i'm all for other people celebrating their culture, whatever makes you dudes happy over in Bumfuck, Rockingston is fine by me, but I, like the rest of the civilized world has limits, only so much horseshit one can take before they just snap, I think we've hit that point now with the Muslim/Islam faith.
Abdul Rahman was a medical attendant in Peshawar, Pakistan, he conveted to the christian faith while working for a christian non-government group, while his reasons are unknown for his conversion of faith, that is not the point, the man willingly chose to follow a different faith and teaching, own free will and all that jazz, this man is not a terrorist, nor a criminal, he helped many a people, be they his own or others, and now he is being charged with apostasy.
n. pl. a·pos·ta·sies
Abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.
Now to my understanding, in the teachings of Muslim, if you leave the faith, you are to be brutally murdered or excommunicate, now, this is what I have a problem with, i'm going to Afghanistan in a while, and these people want our help, they request us to help set up a government, a free nation, a democracy, we sent upwards of 2'100 soldiers to help with this, and they turn their backs around and pull apostasy, quoting the ancient
Hadith, I want to know what I and many other soldiers doing up there is worth our time and when bullshit like this pops up, it leaves many of us wondering.
Suffice it to say, the United States and oh my mercy Canada had a shitstorm over this little debacle, and rightly so, last I heard and last I experienced, it isn't a crime to be hypocritical(using Mohammed's definition dictated by the Hadith) and nor is it a crime to convert your faith, be it for whatever reason you like(I knew a man who convert to Judaism for the holidays, once I think about it, that's was pretty smart)
The Taliban government is gone now, we did alot of work to remove it, lives were lost and ruined for the freedom of a country over 4000 miles away.
I think for once George Bush said it best.
"It is deeply troubling that a country we helped liberate would hold a person to account because they chose a particular religion over another"
-President. G.W Bush
As much as you find it sinful and destructive, you don't pull this shit on a man for converting to his faith, especially after we destroyed one of the most tyranical governments since Nazi Germany.
That dog won't hunt monsenior.
-Kyle out
She's got a lover so the lies and the lust is a rush <3