March 06, 2006

Let me tell you something!

I am very angry and excessivly irritable, coupled by the fact that I am naturally an asshole and a very easily provokable person, this is obviously a bad combination, let me tell you who i'm angry at.

The Canadian Reserves, in specifics, 3rd Field Engineers.

I have been a sapper(that's a demolitions soldier) within that unit for 2 years, and they repay my contribution with negligence of duty.

During my Basic Training almost 3 years ago now, take a month or so, my helmet and other items were stolen from me, a repoort was made, and it was to be taken care of.

I learn 11 days before being shipped off to prelim's that my file is in mass disrepair, tons of paperwork is missing in which my regiment has to provide, nearly all of which they need to write up is missing or erraticaly filled out, I was brought in front of basically a tribunal, in full dress uniform, looking quite dapper.

"As a result, Corporal.Adam(Kyle Banyon) is no longer eligible for this rotation of service, the Corporal will have to wait for another offer until his paperwork is settled"

I screamed at the board, it was negligence, pure and simple, and I requested legal counsel and that I would be pursuing a lawsuit against 3rd Field Engineers and the 34th Brigade for Negligence of Duty and Due Process, and that I would not accept the judgement of the board until a lawyer and chaplain were present, I told them I would not let this happen.

My retinue took a while to arrive, but it was my right for this and as a soldier of Canada it would be given to me, my group conferred that although it was negligence, nothing could be done now, so I accepted the board's decision and left with a bit of tears welling in my eyes, I lost my opportunity to serve again.

I'll tell you guys something, as much as I profess to wanting no violence in my life and everyone should love each other...I love being on the front, being in the dirt, I enjoy the fight, knowing you're doing something with your life, it's something I want to do, but being denied that for the second time to circumstances that just shouldn't be a problem...well it hurts, I just want to put on my uniform, fix up my beret and get on a plane, and fight for the freedom in which every person is entitled to.

But I get shut down because my regiment is negligent, and now they'll have to pay for it, and so do I, i'm stuck here for God knows how long.

Here's to you Canada, you and your shitty reservists.

-Kyle Out
Those sunburned hands I used to hold...

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