Kingdom Hearts II is in!
Oh lord yes, the day i've been waiting for for so long, it's finally here, all I need to do is go to angrignon and pick it up, this has turned into the holy grail for me, the game has been in development since the first one came out, and if it's even half as good as the past one, it will be so aweosme no other game will compare.
The old one is probably my favorite game.
I have alot of good(and some bad)memories attached to it, but in spite of that it still remains one of the best games i've ever played, it'ssort of like Discovery to me, no matter what else I listen to, it's still my favorite album.
I am going to play this like a damn fiend, oh lord, please, guide my hand as I fall into hermitage.
-Kyle out
Roses and wine <3
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