March 18, 2006

Ahahah! I am unstoppable!

Yes sir, that's right, Jemsy is leaving in about..22 hours, when he does, you guys are going to get it, I will rip the internet a new asshole, you will be bombarded by pure stupidity, since no one will be able to scold me!




But seriously, Jemsy is leaving for Puerto Rico in less than a day, he's going for I think is a week, all sunshine and lollipops over there, while the rest of Zibbudie Babbuhl has to sit around here in the muck of this cold ass country.

We have discussed implementing Zibbudie Babbuhl into suitcases, but I then reminded Jems that I indeed had claustrophobic tendencies.

In anticipation of this daywe have been creating so many ideas it isn't even funny, we have brutally desecrated the memory of Johnny Cash(even though we love him) CSI: Miami has been brought down to clown antics..NOTHING IS SAFE FROM ZIBBUDIE BABBUHL.

Eric got his prize, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance and the special edition DVD retail value 70.00$

I hope you enjoy the game Eric, from our hearts to yours.



-Kyle out
I want you more than anything in my life <3

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