November 25, 2005

ZBL Presents: Best Album Award

We here at the ZBL have decided to make a Best Album award. Why? I dunno. But don't let that stop the good times from rolling.


Everlast - Eat at Whitey's

Well, I'm not a big album person (growing up in the age of digital piracy and all, not to say we endorse illegal activity here at ZBL). The few albums I've purchased were for 1 or 2 songs, with the rest being just filler. However, Eat At Whitey's was the only album I ever enjoyed ALL the songs off of. Think about that. I did, which is why I'm throwing in my vote for Eat At Whitey's by Everlast as Best Album.


Daft Punk - Discovery

Now, i'm no musician, I play the harmonica for good luck(the guy with the harmonica in war movies never dies) but I like to think I know good music when I hear it, and Discovery is it, the album came out in the glorious year of 2000. I was watching MuchMusic one day, and this video came on, "One more time!" is all I hear with it's beautiful beat, I was captivated, the video was music in it's pure incarnate form, colors flashing everywhere, everyone having a great time, it was a day i'll never forget, when Discovery came into my musical spectrum. The whole album tells a wonderful story, treachery, love, happiness, joy, it's simply a wonderful experience listening to the album, it will always hold a special place in my heart.


Madvillain - Madvillainy

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Madlib's smoky layers upon layers of scratchy samples from a distant era gettin' busy with today's rolling bass lines. A cool, dark, hypnotic, funny, unsettling, stylish comic book brought to life with sound. First hard to hear, then hard to stop hearing. Instrumental interludes that defy genre. MF Doom sustains his high by staring down a cracked mirror over the course of twenty-two short tracks that abandon choruses and cliches. This is rap's space rock.

- Babbuhl-Squad Out

November 24, 2005


Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer

Yes this is a mission
that I'm on taking out the weak
on the microphone
cause I'm hype so don't talk
about the hard hitting hammer
when you can't even
walk on the stage after me
and if you do you're a catastrophe
happens just like that
I rock em all from white to black

OH OH OH Punch it

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh

naw no is what I say
when I came to see a show
I look and it's dead dead you know
like a body in the ground
Will your show ever grow
let me know if not the gloves come off
cause you sure ain't hot
it needs work like a car in a wreck
they call me hammer yeah earn my respect


Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh

Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)

Punch it

I don't hesitate or wait
before the bell rings I'm out the gate
and rolling out for mine
working so hard for such a long time
in the light, that's here and gone
so pedal to the hammer
while I'm watching the floor
I'm not a king just filling pipe
you dance to the music while I'm on the mic

OH OH OH Here we go

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh

Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)

Punch it

been to a tomb and I'm rolling
a whole new style but the people are holding on
too I move I groove I rap you people's so plain
just plain your ego's so big
that you miss the whole thing
dang my crib the people wanted more
that's why the hammer's in


Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh

Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)

check me out
move it on the floor and get hype
you betta get ready and this is your night
yeah you let em know
the cool the hard the fly *OHHH*
they're in here and it's pumpin'
hammer's gto the speakers
and you know the bass is pumpin'
loud and low it's about that time
so here we go

OH OH OH Punch it

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer

Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh

Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)

Punch it
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-Kyle Out
Be you Angels?
Nay, we are but MEN!

November 22, 2005

Zibbudie Babbuhl update

As you may have noticed, none of us at the ZBL have posted much recently, there is no catastrophic problem, we've simply been distracted by our personal vices.

Andre is doing school projects, films, scripts what have you, only today after 2 weeks of what we like to call "Babbuhl Silence" did he call me, only to ask how the last Stargate SG-1 episode went, I answered solemnly,

"Unlike the first episode of season 9, the second episode left a little to be desired, although Claudia Black on SG-1 makes it a good episode by proxy"

This is Claudia Black for you non Farscape/SG-1 watchers

Andre has alot on his plate, and has for a long time, but he still makes time for Babbuhls, albeit few and far between, they are qaulity shens.

Jemsy is also a film student, thus has the same problems as Andre, but he doesn't watch SG-1, which saddens me to no end, we make time for Babbuhls however, Three Kings was watched, were still quoting spike jones to this day.

We Three stealin' the gold

Me, well, I'm not a film student, so I don't really have an excuse, i've been really ill however, and well, work takes up a good amount of my time, and well, to my knowledge, I ship off pretty soon, so were getting ready for that over here in my family.

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A younger Cpl.Adam, tainted by youth and bravado

Once things settle down a bit we'll get more into the swing of things, until then well, you're just gonna have to sit down and enjoy this slow ride into madness.

-Kyle out
Got the latest Nikes on my feet
The streets merely reflect this bass line and beat

November 18, 2005

Looking to fill a part-time job

Aye, not a ZBL post, but an important one, well at least to our readers, I filled a job in my store already, however, one of the affiliates of my boss is looking for part-time/full time worker(s), it's for an Indian restaurant, for general help, waiting, cleaning, greeting and such, if you're interested, please leave a comment and i'll get back to you, this is essentially a guaranteed job, no interviews no waiting, a job on the spot.


-Kyle Out

November 17, 2005

Penny Arcade Forum battles

Yes, you heard right, another contest in Penny Arcade!

after winning the SE++(Social Entropy) Magic tournament, I decided to enroll in the Forum battles, hoping i'm on a proverbial roll, the matches were made, things were said, people have already lost, and my first match is against a very prominent forum vet known only as "The Geek"

Now, unlike me, he has alot of exploitable weaknesses, one of these weaknesses is a veritable affinity for Disney, and all things disney, especially the movie Lilo and Stitch, I plan to exploit this weakness to it's full potential.

My first idea was essentially creating a sort of battlefiueld, dressing myself in full combats and making a mock war, running and shit, all sounds of war in the background, talking to the camera, pondeirng upon my existence and the validity of this senseless conflict, only to hear that the enemy was making it's final rush, have stitch tied to a tree, camera pans on him quickly, as if he were a malignant power, only equaled to the Heilghast, I then rush towards him, and eviscerate him thusly with my trusted Bayonet/Multi-tool.

What do you think?

-Kyle Out
I caught a sucker dyin cause he thought could rhyme

November 15, 2005

Zibbudie Babbuhl goes to the Army

So, I took my Army physical test today, and a few cool things happened.

I sit down on a bench waiting for this whole shindig to unfurl, i'm pretty damn nervous, I grab at my left wrist, trying to stabilize it, I know there's going to be the hand-grip test, and I know i'm going to fail it, when suddenly I hear a door open.

"Adam!!" I hear, I look up, it's my old friend from Basic, 2lt.Demers, I haven't seen him in almost 2 years, turns out he's deploying alongside the RMR in May for afghanistan, so he's has to do the test, so it's me and him, a former Combat Engineer and a Engineer officer with a bunch of RMR reservists doing a physical test.

we were getting ready to do the running test and we get a visit from one of the Padre's on base, he's in his vestments and such, shaking our hands giving us his blessing, when he strips his vestments off and he's wearing PT gear, the Padre says he's gonna run the PT test with us, and 10$ says he's going to win, we all throw in the money, there's about 120$ sitting on a table, and I could really use 120$.

Now, this Padre was crazy, like, fucking crazy, I don't know why he's a Padre, he could easily be a soldier, he looked about 160lbs, shaved head to the bear of his skin, and a tattoo on the side his head of the Canadian forces emblem.

We all got on our respective starting marks, and the test started, I must have ran for what seemed like an hour, it was actually about 7-8 minutes, I ran 6+ km's, whil I stopped, I looked at the Padre, he was reaching level 13 in the test, without even garnering a sweat, it must be the shaved head, suffice it to say, the Padre came out of that contest 120$ richer, the test official told us that the Padre in question was a champion Canadian Forces: Great Freedom runner, it's like the biggest marathon in all of the Canadian Forces, so the Padre comes back into the room, gives us all our money back, and says to never trust a man of faith, at least where gambling is concerned.

I just thought the whole thing was funny.

GIS for today is: Padre

-Kyle Out
I know what you're feeling now..heartache...

November 14, 2005

Y'all ain't gon' believe this shit!

From our hearts to yours, Zibbudie Babbuhl's latest feature:

Zibbudie Babbuhl - Tension - Leave it to Zibbudie Babbuhl to fuse noir, the silent film and jazz into something that defeats the purpose of all three.

Open registration ends tomorrow. Give it some love.

November 13, 2005

In an effort to become even more esoteric.

You can't kill shit! you couldn't kill someone if you shot at a grave! fucking strapa!

-Kyle Out
Don't talk to me I don't know ya
but this aint tomorrow for now I still love ya

November 10, 2005

Like holding a hairy baby

Today, on our Game & Sammich thursday, myself and Jemsy ventured into Safari to look at various animals, and pretend to pet them through the glass, and name them(the big one is bitey) but...but something magical happened, a woman, whom shalt be named "Melanie" was at the chinchilla cage as I fawned over them, she instinctivly opened the cage, plucked a chinchilla out and handed him to me.

It was so fucking awesome, it was holding a baby, the things are so timid and gentle, they chew at everything, and they're bite is nothing, it's so small and fast, jesus are they fast, very wormy animals, but so lovely and playful.

I named the Chinchilla: Pépé

I am buying one asap.

GIS of the day: Chinchilla

-Kyle Out
But her friend is no where to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream

November 09, 2005

A tribute to: Johnny Cash

Zibbudie Babbuhl likes Mr.Cash, we really do, he's a grade A rockin' dude, one of the best musicians ever, many people odn't like country, which is great(screw you, you make me sick)but what mr.Cash did is beyond country, it's honestly a sound of it's own, Johnny Cash is one of the few artists in which I enjoy all his music, truly a man beyond his time.

He was a rockin' dude.

Your GIS today is none other than Johnny Cash:

-Kyle Out
Many a young maid lost her babbuhls to my trade

November 08, 2005

A new ritual is born

Myself and Jems, we like games, to satiate our need for games we have to go and buy them, this requires us, going outside, communicating with other human beings, it's hard to not make stupid noises every 6 seconds, it requires a great modicum of self-control, but we manage to gather some civility for at least a 2 minutes exchange of words to tellers and various service-persons of the food industry.

Out of this, we have decided to enact a ritual of terrible evil, which will schism the earth at the very mention of it's name, to that end, we have decided to give the ritual a name which we can use.

I give you:


the ritual is simple, when either of us has the yearning to purchase a game, we swing by angrignon, we buy what we need, and we top the day off with KFC spicy chicken sandwich, it's more elaborate to be certaun, but I cannot give our secrets away to the public, careful planning goes into these excursions, canaries are sent, people die.

But I can tell you our next purchase: Operation Flashpoint: Elite, a military sandbox/simulation game, we've been waiting a while for this to hit the stores, and we pick it up tommorow, and more stuff possibly for me, I have a zellers giftcard to use and more money than I know.

We will take pictures to regale our adventure as always.

You get a special GIS edition today, today's GIS is none other than:
A KFC spicy chicken sandwich

-Kyle Out
Geezers Need Excitement, Common Sense

November 06, 2005

From Zibbudie Babbuhl to you.

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-Kyle Out
You're a dirty needle, you're in my blood and there's no cure in me.

November 04, 2005

GBStv gets flooded with even more crap! or: Zibbudie Babbuhl's takeover of the Internet proceeds as planned!

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Registration is open until the 15th! Take advantage of this crack in the seams by requesting your favourite ZBL shorts until the combined hatred of all involved cause the site's servers to melt into a puddle of silver mush. That's how Rusty would've wanted it.

Two new Babbuhlfilms:

What is Zibbudie Babbuhl?
You will instantly know what Zibbudie Babbuhl is upon seeing this clip.

Zibbudie Babbuhl - Evan
Meet Evan, an angry kid that lives in a cave on the beach.

Get watchin' and get votin'!

Kyle Edit: all our current videos can be found here.

Zibbudie Babbuhl

-Jemsy out
'Cause dancin's hard work!

November 03, 2005

Foul pudding and subsequent fills of it.

Yeah, the Babbuhlsquad went back to Halo2 for a while, and it has confirmed what I once believed.

It sucks nut, it really does, I can't physically stand playing it anymore, it makes me ill, the community is the amalgation of every other terrible internet community combined, and i've played some of the worst communities on the planet from CS Beta 1 to UT2000, I can no longer explai nthe evil of this game, it's really taxing.

so all I can say is this.


GIS Image of the day: Matchmaking

-Kyle Out
Deep down inside I know our love will die

November 01, 2005

I just fought a damn Giant

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I just fought that, and I smote him rightly so.