Andre is doing school projects, films, scripts what have you, only today after 2 weeks of what we like to call "Babbuhl Silence" did he call me, only to ask how the last Stargate SG-1 episode went, I answered solemnly,
"Unlike the first episode of season 9, the second episode left a little to be desired, although Claudia Black on SG-1 makes it a good episode by proxy"

This is Claudia Black for you non Farscape/SG-1 watchers
Andre has alot on his plate, and has for a long time, but he still makes time for Babbuhls, albeit few and far between, they are qaulity shens.
Jemsy is also a film student, thus has the same problems as Andre, but he doesn't watch SG-1, which saddens me to no end, we make time for Babbuhls however, Three Kings was watched, were still quoting spike jones to this day.

We Three stealin' the gold
Me, well, I'm not a film student, so I don't really have an excuse, i've been really ill however, and well, work takes up a good amount of my time, and well, to my knowledge, I ship off pretty soon, so were getting ready for that over here in my family.

A younger Cpl.Adam, tainted by youth and bravado
Once things settle down a bit we'll get more into the swing of things, until then well, you're just gonna have to sit down and enjoy this slow ride into madness.
-Kyle out
Got the latest Nikes on my feet
The streets merely reflect this bass line and beat
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