November 04, 2005

GBStv gets flooded with even more crap! or: Zibbudie Babbuhl's takeover of the Internet proceeds as planned!

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Registration is open until the 15th! Take advantage of this crack in the seams by requesting your favourite ZBL shorts until the combined hatred of all involved cause the site's servers to melt into a puddle of silver mush. That's how Rusty would've wanted it.

Two new Babbuhlfilms:

What is Zibbudie Babbuhl?
You will instantly know what Zibbudie Babbuhl is upon seeing this clip.

Zibbudie Babbuhl - Evan
Meet Evan, an angry kid that lives in a cave on the beach.

Get watchin' and get votin'!

Kyle Edit: all our current videos can be found here.

Zibbudie Babbuhl

-Jemsy out
'Cause dancin's hard work!

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