Out of this, we have decided to enact a ritual of terrible evil, which will schism the earth at the very mention of it's name, to that end, we have decided to give the ritual a name which we can use.
I give you:
the ritual is simple, when either of us has the yearning to purchase a game, we swing by angrignon, we buy what we need, and we top the day off with KFC spicy chicken sandwich, it's more elaborate to be certaun, but I cannot give our secrets away to the public, careful planning goes into these excursions, canaries are sent, people die.
But I can tell you our next purchase: Operation Flashpoint: Elite, a military sandbox/simulation game, we've been waiting a while for this to hit the stores, and we pick it up tommorow, and more stuff possibly for me, I have a zellers giftcard to use and more money than I know.
We will take pictures to regale our adventure as always.
You get a special GIS edition today, today's GIS is none other than:
A KFC spicy chicken sandwich

-Kyle Out
Geezers Need Excitement, Common Sense
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