November 08, 2005

A new ritual is born

Myself and Jems, we like games, to satiate our need for games we have to go and buy them, this requires us, going outside, communicating with other human beings, it's hard to not make stupid noises every 6 seconds, it requires a great modicum of self-control, but we manage to gather some civility for at least a 2 minutes exchange of words to tellers and various service-persons of the food industry.

Out of this, we have decided to enact a ritual of terrible evil, which will schism the earth at the very mention of it's name, to that end, we have decided to give the ritual a name which we can use.

I give you:


the ritual is simple, when either of us has the yearning to purchase a game, we swing by angrignon, we buy what we need, and we top the day off with KFC spicy chicken sandwich, it's more elaborate to be certaun, but I cannot give our secrets away to the public, careful planning goes into these excursions, canaries are sent, people die.

But I can tell you our next purchase: Operation Flashpoint: Elite, a military sandbox/simulation game, we've been waiting a while for this to hit the stores, and we pick it up tommorow, and more stuff possibly for me, I have a zellers giftcard to use and more money than I know.

We will take pictures to regale our adventure as always.

You get a special GIS edition today, today's GIS is none other than:
A KFC spicy chicken sandwich

-Kyle Out
Geezers Need Excitement, Common Sense

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